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"Wow." Harris said, stunned by what was shown to him.

The team surrounded the med bay bed, which was where the technopath had been laying. The bathroom toilet was off limits for the next few hours or so considering the smell. Mark and Spyder had helped him onto the bed. Both the male and female brains of the group ran scans on him. The results were surprising.

"What?" Casey asked him.

"Remember before Bay City High was blown up? When Ryan had that freak out in the bathroom?" Harris questioned the group.

"Yeah," Spyder answered, "he nearly had the whole school shook. Got me out of class though so that was a plus."

Veracity checked the tablet.

"Well since I knew nothing about it, I can't agree with you on that," she said, "but there is a blue fluid in his system. Technopathy is in his blood cells yes, it's just now it's trying to become his blood overall."

"Wait," Mark began questioning while not believing his own words, "that means he won't have real blood anymore? He won't be-"

"Human." Mack finished for him in astonishment. It didn't seem possible, "it'll be like he's...some kind of...non-robotic being."

The room went silent, not really knowing what to say. What could you say? What could you call a human that's not one, but not made of robotic parts? It was all confusing and just utterly....shocking. The young, male technopath was asleep at the moment, so he couldn't hear what they were saying. And it was a good thing, he probably would be more taken aback than everyone else combined. The silence became uncomfortable for the daredevil, so he decided to break it with a question.

"So if he donated blood, would that person become a technopath?" Spyder quizzed.

"Most likely," Harris answered, "but it hasn't completely taken over. He's still human...somewhat..."

"Somewhat?!" Mark suddenly lashed out, startling everyone and nearly waking his little brother. He lowered his voice down, "mom's gonna freak if she knows her kid isn't human and Ryan's gonna feel like a freak if he finds out."

"Well it's been inside of him for a long time, Mark!" Harris whispered yelled, "so it's been building up."

"Then why didn't you do something about it earlier?!" Casey exclaimed quietly before muttering, "idiots."

Upon hearing that, the group, minus Mackenzie and Veracity, gave her a look.

"It's not like I knew how to treat it at the time," Harris retaliated, "and anyways, Leo and I were working on a way to fix it. But then, oh I don't know, we had to deal with Seth Harper. And then Grey came back and created Tregear, who nearly caused us to die, turned me against the team, and almost unleashed Armageddon!"

Casey shrugged.

"Still could've been on your mind." She stayed with her previous thought.

"Oh I'm sorry, Miss I can make or destroy anything with a snap of a finger like Thanos!" Harris argued.

"Dude I'm not God," Casey counteracted as she crossed her arms, "and I wish. Just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I have every power in the world."

"Well can't we take the power out of him and analyze it?" Veracity thought of.

"We can't," Harris told her, "once it's in his blood cells, that's it. The power was in him since birth. There's no way of taking it out without killing Ryan in the process."

"What about just a sample?" Mark suggested, "long as you don't take out too much, you should be able to look at it."

"I guess, but we need to wait til his body calms down," Harris informed, "once it does, it'll be easier to get the...whatever it is."

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