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I stared closely watching the tv, I dosed off into space

I looked at my phone it was Allyson.


Allyson- hey I fed kaiser it is getting late and I didn't know what time you where coming back!
Tori- thank you I'm at Logan's btw and I will explain tomorrow!

Tori: Logan I should probably head home it's getting late
Logan: no stay I don't want you to go home by yourself this late and Brian is already asleep in his room.
Tori: fine
I walked upstairs into Logan's room and went into his bathroom. I searched for a extra tooth's brush.

I brushed my teeth, put my hair up into a bun, and took my make up off. I grabbed one of Logan's shirts and put it on and took my jeans off.

I checked my phone one last time and put it on the nightstand I fell asleep in Logan's arms.


I woke up to maverick squeaking, I looked beside me logan was still asleep.

I got in the shower, put on some maverick leggings and a maverick sweatshirt.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and let Kong out.

Lydia: hey what are you doing here so early
Tori: let's just say me and Logan are like a thing but not official
She started jumping up and down
Lydia: yay finally again, Chloe could be so rude at times
Tori: She's rude to everyone

Logan came downstairs in some joggers and he was shirtless, he does have some nice abs

Tori: Logan I have to get back to my apartment
We hugged and said bye. I said by to Lydia and Evan.

I walked out with Brian in my hip, I put him in his car seat and drove back to my apartment.

Tori: hey Allyson
Allyson: hey, I fed kaiser already you have a meeting today and were still house hunting and you need to film a video
Tori: okay

This is a really short chapter but I'm now just getting back into writing again!!!!!

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