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"Mrs and Mr. Paul we need to have a serious talk" the doctor said

We stood up and walked with him outside

"It has officially been a month and I'm sorry but Brian is not getting any better" he said

"So what I am trying to say is it's probably a 95% that he's not gonna make it"

I feel into Logan's arms and tears where rushing down my face.

"All we can do is hope a pray that he gets better" he said as he walked away

"Logan what are we gonna do" I said crying
"Shhh everything is gonna be okay" you could tell he was lying but trying to not panic
"Logan I'm pregnant" I said
His face was priceless
"W w w what" he said stuttering
"We are gonna get through this together" he said

#brianstrong was trending number one on Twitter.

No one else but Erika knew I was pregnant and I wanted it to stay that way honestly I felt guilty about it eventually where gonna have to at least tell pam and Logan.

I haven't got a decent night sleep in so long my thoughts just re played and re pleated. I was starting to lose my mind, mental heath was eventually gonna become unstable.

Erika was always trying to talk to me in a normal conversation to try to make me feel more normal but everyday I just felt more and more bad about the situation.

Thinking why couldn't it have been me instead of him he dose not deserve this. No one should have to go through this my heart hurt and sank everyday for him.

My mom calls me everyday trying to cheer me up. It has yet to work.

I know it was all gonna come to end very single and I don't know what's gonna happen then. I'm trying to prepare myself but unfortunately it's not as easy.

I had to go to the doctor yesterday to make sure everything was okay with the baby and some how I e lost weight instead of gaining it maybe I am not eating enough as I thought I was.


4 months later.
Brian hasn't improved at all and I was officially five months pregnant and was starting to sore and I knew it wouldn't be long before it got out there.

"Mom, jake me and Tori need to have a serious talk"
Logan said
Pam got a concerned look in her face.
"So um tori is pregnant" he said

"What the fuck Logan" jake said

"Jake calm down" pam said

"No like what the fuck are you trying to replace Brian" jake said

Logan shoved jake up against the wall

I couldn't take it anymore I opened the door and walked out.
Eventually I walked back to the room and the doctor was in there.

"Oh tori we've been waiting for you" the doctor said
"What is going on" I said in a panicked voice
"Well tori Brian has one more month before we pull the plug" the doctor said
"No" I said
"I'm sorry but we have tried everything and can no longer help him" the doctor said walking out the door 

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