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~*~ Your POV
You had a plan.

   You ran to Sophie and Jamie, who were cowering on the porch of the house. You approached them, panting.

   "We don't have long. It's too dangerous here, so I need to hide you guys somewhere safe," You explained quickly, so quick you barely had the breath. You picked up Sophie as she screamed and cried with fear and you held Jamie's hand as he ran with you. You ran through the forest, dodging branches and jumping over the roots and other hazardous objects protruding from the ground. You ran to the pond you teleported to, which was frozen over. You looked to your left to see a large rock, surrounded with bushes. You rushed Sophie and Jamie into the bushes and behind the boulder.

    Sophie and Jamie cried in the bushes.

   "Don't cry, guys, it's okay. Everything will be okay, they're just bad dreams," You shushed softly. Jamie just sniffled a few times, but Sophie was a mess. She screamed and cried and you held her hand and you bent down to her level.

   "Don't cry, little one.. don't cry.. you'll be okay, I'm here," you said gently. You stroked her hair and held her hand a few times before she calmed down a bit.

    You sighed as she still cried, despite being calm. You couldn't get into the bushes or Pitch would find you with them, which means game over. Instead, you held her hand again and started stroking her hair again.

    You took a deep breath and smiled at her softly. You sung to her quietly, the words rolling off your tongue as you saw her calming down. You brought your singing down to a gentle hum, still bringing out the melody until Sophie stopped crying completely. She soon fell asleep, curled up in the bushes. Jamie had tears blurring his eyes, though.

    "A little emotional, are ya?" You asked quietly to Jamie, smirking. He stayed silent, the tears flooding as they started falling. You assumed he stayed quiet because if he spoke he would break. "Ah, dont cry, Jam. What's wrong?"

    He finally spoke as his voice cracked, "Is this the end?" He asked. Your face dropped as you sighed,

   "What? No, Jamie it's not the end! It's only the beginning!" You assured him. "You're going to be okay,"

    "And what about you?" He demanded, trembling. You stayed silent at the question but he continued, "I'll be okay but will you? What if you don't come back? What if the Guardians die, what if you-!"

   "Hey, hey, hey, calm down bud!" You exclaimed, "I'm going to be fine! Do you really doubt me that much?" You held up an arm, "I'm so strong I can take down Pitch and the Nightmares!" You teased. He giggled lightly, but sniffled.

   You smiled, "I gotta get back out there.." you mumbled. You got up, but Jamie caught you by the arm and hugged you tight. You were taken aback for a moment before you returned the hug. Moments of silence went by before twigs snapping caught your attention. Jamie ducked into the bushes and you stood up. Before you turned, you looked back at Jamie,

"You were my favorite kid to watch," you stated, but said nothing more.

You turned to see Nightmares protruding from the forest, entering the area. The Guardians followed, fighting and struggling, and the shadows formed to Pitch.

       "Where are the children, Y/n?" He demanded. You understood why he wanted Jamie and Sophie. They were the last lights; the last believers, besides you.

   You stood your ground, "I'll never tell you," You growled.

   Pitch scoffed, "Tell me, and I'll let you go. You won't be harmed and you'll be fine," he offered.

  You were silent before you scowled at him, "I'll be fine, but they won't," You motioned to the Guardians, who were struggling. "The children won't!" You screamed. You gasped as you looked to see tooth get pinned to the ground with black sand, followed by Bunny, North, Sandy, and Jack.

   You looked back over to Pitch.

   He chuckled darkly, "Ready to tell me now, Y/n?"

You looked to the Guardians, who were pinned and close to death itself.

"No.." you cried. How evil was Pitch? He was enjoying every second. You looked at Bunny, who glared at Pitch and swore Bloody Mary. You looked to Tooth, who's face was struck with horror as her big purple eyes seemed to be dull with fear. You glanced at North, who looked at you with his father-figure eyes. He couldn't speak, but he merely nodded through the struggling as if saying You know what to do. You hated it when he did that.

Your eyes finally landed on Jack's, and you almost let out a small cry. Your eyes brimmed with tears and your heart swelled with pain. You felt bad for rejecting him. You did love him, and it made ou scream on the inside. You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to scream at him at the top of your lungs that you loved him. You loved him so much. And it only made you more frustrated.

You thought of Jamie and Sophie, and you looked back at the Guardians.

Your eyes were wide, tears falling as you looked up at Pitch who stood five yards away.

"Don't make me do this," You pleaded. Your knees buckled, but you stood strong, despite the sobbing mess you were, "Dont make me choose,"

Pitch laughed, "Oh, but I must. Tell me where the children are, or the Guardians die."

You sobbed, your heart racing and throbbing. The children, or the guardians..

You screamed on the inside at your final thought.. you sucked in a breath as you said through the tears,

"I'll never tell you where the children are."

Pitch scowled and screamed in anger.

You quickly looked to the Guardians,

"I'm so sorry," you sobbed, "I can't let the children die.."

Their eyes didn't show anger.. you didn't know what they felt.

You looked to Jack, at stared at him as you sobbed. Tears strolled down your face as your heart twisted and broke. You managed to tremble out the words that have been keeping you from him.

"Jack.." you cried, "I love-"

Black sand hit you in the chest and you were flung across the pond. Your body hit the ice hard and you fell right through instantly, breaking through the sheet of ice. Freezing water absorbed you and your mind went blank as your vision dulled to a blackness.

There was Nothing.

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now