Everything About You (Chapter 2 continued)

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POP! went the gunshots as it struck us both.

All I was was flips and turns and self defense skills rooaming around Sadie and I. Shawn saved Sadie by climbing on top of the suspect as Jasmine caughr her grip on me and carried me aside as she did a sidekick right on tbe suspect's rib cage. Ow I could hear the crack go smack. Jasmine and Shawn started beating the shit out of the suspect as I just stood there watching in awe. Like seriously, I need to learn some moves from both Jasmine and Shawn. There amazing you know. I started running towards the exit/entrance door from the mall and immediately rushed towards the steps of Sky's house. I was sweating and breathing heavily from the running. I was so tired I had to sit down on the steps. I didn't even ring the door bell when someone opened it. Sky was the one who opened it of course, its her house after all.

"Topher?" Sky questioned as she looked down at me

"Oh hello" I replied back.

"are you okay? I heard everything! Zoey came by my house and explained everything"

"Yea I'm fine. Jasmine and Shawn helped Sadie and I out before we were announced dead"

I rubbed myself as I calmed down and forgot about the situation I was in. I know I suffered for a long time but ir was terrible! Can't you imagine yourself in a situation like that? Sky was so kind enough to let me stay. All we talked about was the situation Dave placed her the other day. I felt bad about her because

1. Sky still likes Dave

2. Dave hates Sky.

They used to be a couple but not anymore. People think I'm still dating Amy but I brokw up with her months ago because she was a brat. Samey however, is the sweet and innocent one and kind of attracted me.

"Topher?" Sky asked

"Yes?" I replied

"I'm jealous of Ella"

"why that? she's a kind wanabee princess"

"No, She's stealing Dave"

"oh but she likes him?"

"yes...I saw her hanging out with him buying ice cream, going shopping and laughing together" Sky looked at me with her brown eyes and well it looked like she was tearing up.

"sky, look at me and listen" I was dead serious because first of all Dave and Sky were meant to be in the first place. I've never been so serious before I had to put on my poker face.

"Dave might dislike you but overall, he still loves you from the inside...You won't lose him....you won't and I promise"

"just like you won't give up hope on Samey's gift?"

"yes just like that. Samey is out there waiting for me and for hope. Why? Because I like her...No matter what happens I will still love her...for life"

"so your saying-"

"don't lose hope" I interrupted

Don't Lose Hope....

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