Chapter 2

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Zanaba's POV


"Shit, Zanaba we are late for class"

April and I rush into the class and greet our teacher.

I look around the class room and I couldn't find Kelvin.

"Where the hell is he" I mumbled.

"Good morning class" Mr Trump said.

His real name is not Trump but he looks like Donald Trump.

"Good morning sir" Class said.

As Trump about to say something, Victoria and Kelvin come inside the class room.

I look at April and she look at me and mumbled "That's wired".

I didn't say anything I just want to hear want they are going to say to the teacher.

" Mr Williston and Mrs Watson, your late" He said.

"Sorry sir the traffic was terrible" Kelvin said.

I just roll my eyes. What a lame excuse.

"Try not to be late again am I clear"

They bout nod.

"You guys may take a seat."

Kelvin seat right behide me and touch my shoulder. I just remove his hand and tell him to don't touch me.

Remember to vote and comment if you want more😍😘

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