Chapter 8

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Zanaba POV

"What did you get yourself into" I ask.

"I should be asking you that" Corey said.

"Well I got into a fight with your imbecile bitch" I said and take a seat beside him.

"My bitch? " He laugh.

"Yea. Don't act like you don't know who am talking" I roll my eyes.

"Seriously I don't know" He said.

"Psst, yea right" I roll my eyes.

"Can you at least tell me" He said with his eyes dieing for me to tell him.

".... Gigi" I said.

"Gigi as in Gigizal Augustin" He laugh.

"Yes her" I snap and look away.

"We are not together, she's my ex girlfriend " He smirk.

"Oh really " He nod.

"Well you two are to close to call ex's" I said.

"Why do you say that" He ask.

"Well she come in my face and warn me to stay away from you and a matter fact I saw her sitting in your lap already" I said.

"You we're watching me" He smirk.

"Don't feel too important, aii" I roll my eyes.

"Ouch, that hurt" He held his chest playfully. I make a small laugh and roll my eyes.

"Anyways, I was playing truth or dare with my friends and she was involved in it. So I choose a dare and the dare was to let one of my ex sit in my lap. I didn't have any other ex's there, so I let her sit in my lap" He said.

"Oh... " He nod.

"So that's why your in here huh" He comes closer to me.

"Yea, I beat her ass" I smirk.

"Your a black chick so it's obvious" I laugh.

"And why are you here? " I ask.

"Well... My step dad called cops on me" He said.

"For what" I give him a confuse look.

"For stealing his car and destroy it after" He smirk.

"And you are ok with that" I ask

"Yea because he does the same to mine" He said.

"You mean the expensive Jaguar" I ask.

".. Yea" He said.

"Oh sorry" I said.

He smirk and look at me.

"What?, is their something on my face" I ask.

"No, I just can't stop looking at you" I find myself blushing.

".... Um why? " He start to come closer.

C'mon Zanaba don't show him you're soft side.

"Because there's just something about you that just can't make me stop admiring you" He said.

One of his locks fell down into his face; it made him look hot as fuck.

I start to look at his tattoo on his neck; it has three scholes on fire. I really like it.

"Your plumy lips, your dark brown eyes, the colour of your skin..."  God his coming to close now.
He has dark brown eyes, straight nose and nice pink lips that looks kissable.

"And the perfection of your body, every time I see just glowing" He smirk.

"Listen Corey, your nice guy and everything but I just end an relationship with someone who really hurt my feelings, and am just not looking for one right now, am sorry" I said.

"Its ok I understand" He smirk.

"So we cool" I ask.

"Yea, we can be friends if you want to" He said.

"Yea I will love that" I said.

We stare at each for while then Mr. Philip came inside.

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Love you guys 😉. Kisses💋😘

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