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the next day, jimin entered the cafe with a bright smile on his face. he was thirty minutes early and still had time to help namjoon, jaemin and renjun clean the place before it opens. he placed his backpack on his locker in the staff room and greeted, "good morning!"

namjoon smiled, "good morning, jimin. what's with you today, hmm?"

jimin turned his head around at namjoon as he tied his apron on his waist. "nothing, hyung. i just feel really happy today." he replied and closed his own locker before setting up the appliances.

after jimin posted his recent video, it almost got ten million views and two hundred thousand likes. it was the most viewed and like video that jimin had. he didn't know why, but it was probably the fact that his message did inspire a lot of people who watched the video. a few articles were made for him on the internet, and he's becoming more well-known in korea and a few on other foreign countries. his fans on twitter trended a hashtag '#ThankYouJimin' which trended on number five in korea due to his youtube video that made an impact.

twenty minutes had passed and the cafe was ready to open. the chimes rang as our first customer arrived, and i looked up to see taehyung, smiling widely at me. "hello!"

namjoon nodded and uttered, "one large strawberry cream frappe for kim taehyung."

"ahh, you really memorized the frappes i drink every week." taehyung scratched his head and jimin laughed in response before making the drink for his best friend. taehyung approached jimin and whispered, "by the way, yoongi hyung saw your video."

"he did?" jimin asked as he pour the ingredients in the blender.

taehyung nodded and found a small smile on his best friend's lips, "what's with that smile, chim? do you have feelings for yoongi hyung?" he asked straightforwardly, making jimin choke on his saliva.

"w-what?! no, i don't!" blood rushed to his cheeks as jimin tried cooling himself with another pack of ice that he took from the fridge just now.

"denial? signs of having a crush." taehyung laughed and abruptly stopped, "wait a minute."

"what?" jimin raised an eyebrow.

taehyung thought deeply, "you told me last time that you like someone who you met in this cafe. wearing all black, he's shy and his skin is white." his eyes suddenly widened and he slammed his hands on the counter. "don't tell me you do have feelings for yoongi hyung!! it was him, am i right?!" he yelled.

in a blink of an eye, jimin covered taehyung's mouth with his hand frantically. "will you keep your voice down?! anyone can hear, you idiot!" he whispered and glared at taehyung before setting his hand aside. "okay, fine! you got me, yes, it was him. happy now?"

"oh my fucking god," taehyung screamed silently and shook jimin's shoulders, "this is such a small world. i can't believe my bestfriend likes my roommate!"

jimin chuckled and blushed a little, "just keep quiet, okay? i don't want the media to know because... there might be bad stuff to happen in the future." he sighed. of course he was aware at the paparazzi and the gossip blogs that spread information quickly, whether they were false or true. he didn't want to scare yoongi or anything, so he decided to keep quiet for a while.

the other one frowned slightly and sighed, "i understand, chim. always be careful, 'kay?" he patted jimin's shoulder and smiled reassuringly. jimin nodded and smiled before he started working on his job as a pile of orders came. taehyung waved goodbye to him and namjoon before leaving for school.


min yoongi's pov

taking a very deep breath, i wore my sneakers that i haven't used for a while and stepped out of the apartment. it's been days since i went out of here, and i felt like i needed to take a walk and let the sun shine above my head. i left the apartment building and the first thing i felt on my skin was the cool, breezy air. wow, i thought. my eyes adjusted to the bright surroundings and it was all pure aesthetic.

i put my hands in my pants' front pockets as i walked on the side of the road in a normal pace, mesmerizing the nature around the street. i've always thought seoul was and would always be a busy city, but i guess there were still other places here that were quiet and can be served as perfect places for people who loved silence, or people who wanted to cool their minds off.

the heavy feeling in my chest became lighter on every step i took. i really should go out often, if that would make me feel better. i smiled to myself and it faded slowly when i saw a familiar cafe i passed by just now. looking back at it, it was the cafe that jimin worked at. i took small steps until i stopped in front of the window to get a clearer view.

he was there, behind the counters where he made drinks, smiling to each customer as he gave them their drinks. that smile made my heart flutter once again, making me inhale a big amount of air due to surprise.

"i hope you'll be happy someday, and love yourself completely, because that's what i want to see, you know?" his words suddenly entered my head as i continued to stare at him from afar. i felt a little bit of courage inside my body as i eventually exhaled the air i held for a while and opened the door of the cafe gently, its chimes rang softly above me.

jimin's manager, namjoon, greeted me as i walked towards him. "welcome to beans n' cream cafe! what will be your order, sir?"

i let out a small smile and looked at the menu above for a while before replying, "one cinnamon dolce latte, please." i took out my wallet and paid for my drink. namjoon bowed and thanked me before giving the order slip to jimin and my eyes followed the actions. i gulped and walked towards the counters where the appliances were.

jimin didn't notice me because he was so focused at making my drink, until he placed the cup carefully on the matching saucer and uttered, "one cinnamon dolce latte for—"

in a millisecond, our eyes met and he froze; his jaw slowly dropped when he found out that i was here. i was, again, lost on his hazel colored eyes and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes before my cheeks started to turn into light pink. i smiled at him as i scratched the back of my ear and said, "hi, jimin."

he blinked several times and cleared his throat, "oh, h-hello, yoongi hyung."

i let out a chuckle and carefully took the drink from him, our fingers touched in a blink of an eye before he let go of the saucer. "thank you."

"oh, i um... i mean" jimin stuttered and couldn't make a proper sentence. the worlds have turned for five minutes, until he took a deep breath and replied, "ah, i hope you'll like it." he smiled and nodded.

"i forgot to give you something," i placed my coffee on the counter first before taking something out of my pocket. when did i get that confidence? giving it to him, his eyes widened in confusion and received it. he was about to ask something when i took my drink and left, taking my usual spot at the very corner of the cafe.

mentally chuckling, i smiled and thought. i hope he'll read it.


park jimin's pov

it has been an hour and i was preoccupied with my work, and what yoongi hyung gave me made me very curious. it was a note that was folded in half, apparently, and it was very tempting to be opened and be read. the cafe was pretty busy until i finally got time to take a break. jaemin was in charge with the drinks for me, so i can now read what's in the note.

taking the note out of my pocket, i looked at it and my name was written at the front. he had a nice handwriting, i see. i gulped and slowly opened the note, and my eyes widened. in a blink of an eye, i could feel my heart wanting to burst and there were butterflies roaming around my stomach.


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