03: ♠♢Pilot - Clubs♥♧

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Snow and Echo watched Pilot as he went through decks of cards, picking out only the clubs and tossing out the rest. Why he did this, neither of them were sure. Of course, Pilot was a strange one, so they often didn't question it. Or at least, Echo didn't. Snow often pulled a 'Snippy' and questioned the odd man. 

Out of the two, it was Echo who spoke up. “Pilot...” She began – very gently as if treating the man like a child. “Why are you throwing out the cards? We're lucky to find the full decks...”

Pilot paused, giving a slight glance toward the two females. It was common knowledge that Pilot was wary of Echo due to her closeness to Snippy. In his mind, it was obvious that she would share the same thought process as Snippy and knew this man named 'Logic'. Even if she acted kind to him, he didn't quite trust her.

“These are for Loki and the plane we're going to make!” He announced, shoving the cards into any pockets he had left. “We're gonna fly someday. Me, Loki, and Captain.” 

“But why only clubs...” Echo inquired. 

“And who's Loki?” Snow piped up, taking interest. 

Pilot didn't take either question into account. “You wouldn't undersatnd. You're both friends with Snippy and Logic. I'm going to make a plane and take Loki and Captain far away in it.”

“Uh-huh...” Snow replied. “Well, have fun with that.”

She walked away afterward. Echo lingered for a while, watching him pick through the cards for the clubs in the deck. Whatever was on Pilot's mind, she doubted she would ever know. But she left him to his own devices. Whatever he was up to kept him busy and happy. That's all that should matter.

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