05: ♠♢Mr. Snippy - Spades♥♧

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Ever since Snippy had made mention of Echo's joker card, she had been on a hunt. Claiming she wouldn't give up her own lucky card – believing he did not want the gift, she had decided that she would find his own luck in the form of a card.

It was true that Snippy lived under the thoughts of logic. But she hoped that if she could find a card, he would accept it simply because it was from her. So, the next mission Captain had decided to send him on, Echo tagged along. 

She knew she shouldn't. Snippy often protested, claiming that he couldn't protect both of them – but she refused to listen. 

Snippy sighed, moving just slightly away from her, his rifle in hand. While they had moved rather far from the group now, Echo had stopped to go through some of the debris that littered the ground. Snippy had to admit, she could find many useful items when she had the chance. She was thorough – clearly the reason why she survived to met him and the others.

“Ah-ha!” She shouted, catching Snippy's attention. He'd yet to realize the sound had caught something else's attention until a shadow had fallen over the female. His heart skipped a beat, finding one of the mutated creatures of this world had been laying in wait. 

Alarmed, Snippy grabbed onto Echo's coat, yanking her to her feet and out of the way of the mutated beast just as it lunged at the female. It hissed at the pair, too frustrated to allow it's potental meal to get away. 

Snippy raised his rifle, shoving the female behind him before pulling the trigger, shooting at the mutated beast. The warning shots discouraged it, making it turn and slither away. 

Echo received a slap on the back of her head after the creature had departed. “Keep your voice down!” He scolded. “You know better then this! What were you so excited for anyways?”

Not used to being on the receiving end of someone's anger, Echo shifted nervously. Her gaze feel to the ground, her shaggy hair covering more of her face then usual. Instead of speaking, she shoved the object she had found into his free hand without looking at him.

He lifted it, finding a three of spades card in his hand. He raised an eyebrow – though it wasn't visible to her, and stared at her, waiting for an answer. She shifted awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Snippy himself wasn't even sure. But between the two, Echo was the one who finally broke the awkward silence. 

“I wanted you to have one too...for good luck...”

Snippy relaxed, heaving a heavy sigh. “Well...I guess I can't say no.” He replied. 

Echo finally raised her head again. He earned a grin, visible on the half of her face that had still shown behind a transparent mask. At least the relief had made her happy. 

With a quick apology and thank you – the two were off again, out for the real 'mission' Captain had sent thm on. Secretly, Snippy hoped for the good luck. Receiving it from her – maybe there would be a little luck. He tried to shake the thoughts from his mind. He didn't like to think like this.

Instead, he focused on keeping the both of them alive – if it was possible. He'd worry about the card later when they returned to the group. Then perhaps he could endulge himself in those optamistic thoughts.

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