04: ♠♢Captain - Diamonds♥♧

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Faith wasn't sure why she was handed the card. A card of two diamonds. Captain had given it to her. Just handed it to her and walked off, spouting some nonsense about instant diamonds. 

She didn't want him to disappear before she could ask what it was for, so she trotted after him, dodging debris as she went. When she was at his side, where she normally was seen, she waited. She remained silent until Captain took notice to her presence. 

“Little minion?” He inquired, placing a hand behind his back. His other held the familiar mug, filled with tea. He leaned forward slightly, literally towering over the female. 

'Little minion' was right. She was so small compared to the others; only coming a little passed Captains stomach herself.

“Oh...uh...t-the card.” She muttered softly. 

“Ah! Little minion, that will keep you safe!” Captain announced proudly.

“Keep...me safe?” She echoed the words, blinking slightly. 

“Of course!” The man threw his arms out enthusiastically – managing to spill some of his tea. It sizzled when it hit the cold, dead earth beneath their feet, the warm liquid sending steam into the air. 

“I can't always be there to protect you little minion! So this card will!” He leaned down to her level, whispering in her ear. “It summons special diamonds.” 

Patting her on the head with his free hand, he quickly walked off, seeking Snippy out for a new 'mission' that Faith knew Echo would tag along with. But for the moment, she pondered the card she had received and smiled. 

Captain might have been a bit insane – but at least he seemed to care. That's why she loved the man. And she would continue to do so for as long as she lived.

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