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♡| two weeks into college harry comes home to find louis hanging out with the boy he hates most

OCTOBER 2005, HARRY HAD DECIDED TO DRIVE HOME FOR THE WEEKEND, and was extremely surprised with what he saw.

Louis had never been one who was good at making impulse decisions. He was walking through the park one night, coming home from his friend Liam's house, when it happened.

Louis saw some boy, he looked like he was Harry's age, and he couldn't help himself from walking over to the boy who was seemingly calling him over.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing out so late?" the questioned.

Louis blushed a little - it was more of a reflex to being complimented.

" 'm goin' out," he mumbled, "momma needs somethin' from the store, so I'm going to it for her."  he mumbled in response and sure, this kid was hot but he wasn't Harry.

And that's what Louie found unattractive. But none the less he walked over to this boy, this boy who he knew Harry would damn well beat his ass for talking to.

But then again that's what made it so enticing. He wanted to upset Harry, because in his mind Harry - the Harry he knew and loved, was going to be long gone very soon, and well he can't hang on to what used to be forever. But it is in this moment that if Louis were in a book of sorts, he'd be experiencing dramatic irony; because the audience knows that Harry is basically waiting for Louie, but we on the other hand, has no clue.

He walks with this kid, who goes through three cigarettes on the walk to the Wal-Mart down the street.

"The names Zayn." the boy mumbles as he searches in his pocket for his lighter.

"Louis." The smaller boys Smiles in response, as his nose scrunches up at the smell of smoke.

He knows this is beyond a horrible idea, he knows he'll get skinned alive if Harry ever finds out, but once again, he doesn't care. Or maybe he does, and he's just covering it up by rebelling and telling himself that he doesn't care so often because maybe then he'll believe it.

He smells like cigarettes and he's drowsy, he's never breathed smoke in before. But he's running around Wal-Mart and then he hops on Zayn's back and then Zayn begins to run around Wal-Mart before he trips and falls. Louis giggles as a hand is stretched to him to help him up.

He takes it, thinking and sayings but he was wrong. He follows up the body until he sees the face, and he goes pale. Because here's Harry in all his glory with his heart tattoo eyebrow piercing? Who the fuck is this and what did he do with Harry?

" 'arry!" he Giggles, trying to play it cool. He jumps into his arms and per usual Harry pick him up and spins him around.

"What're you doin' out blue? And why do you smell like cigarettes?" he puts the boy down and begins taking care of him. Checking him for scrapes and dusting off his clothes and fixing his little fringe and then he sees the reason why, "Malik." he mumbles.

"Styles." Zane mumbles before building a goodbye to Louis and walking out of the store.

"Baby, why were you with him?" Harry asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Got lonely H," Louis pouts, "you've been gone for so long and-"

"Angel, it's been a week."

"Same thing," he pouts once more, "why 're you here, and why the fuck did you pierce your eyebrow? Not that it's a bad thing, I think you suit"

"No cursing. And I lost a bet. And I'm in Wal-Mart 'cause I'm home for the weekend and I wanted to get some ice cream and cookies and eat it with my baby only if he'll have me though."

" 'f course 'arry, y'know I can't say no to you," he pauses for a second, looking at Harry, he's still as pretty as Louis remembers, "I've missed you." he moves to hug Harry, burying his face in the taller boys chest.

"I missed you more baby." He holds the boy - more essentially his boy, tightly.

Harry spoke of needing to get a few more things from the store, and asked if we wanted to accompany him. Louis said yes of course, and held Harry's hand as they walked around the store and Harry filled him in on his first week of college.

And it's here, walking in Walmart at 10 p.m. on a Friday night that he realizes that he wants to do this forever. He wants to go on late night runs to Wal-Mart for whatever they may need or for whatever Louis  might want. He wants to live out a whole domestic fife with Louis. Wants him to be his baby, and spoil him. He knows he's willing to wait until Louis reaches the ever so ripe age of 18, but his time is clearly running out because Louis is running off with someone else, and what is Harry meant to do at that point?

The fifteen, soon-to-be sixteen, year old boy was at the peak of being hormonal and needing things. Harry has had to leave countless times because Louis has kicked him out due to getting himself off. It's not like he wanted to kick the older boy out, everything he ever did consisted of thoughts of he and Louis being intimate together at some point. And God, Harry's been losing track of how many times he sexualized and got off to the thought of Louis (as well as feeling bad for such thoughts). He's been losing track since he himself was sixteen.

He's watching Louis drag him to the checkout area, and Harry honestly feels attacked. Louis' in the sweatpants and he knows he just knows that Louis is aware that they do wonders for him. And he knows that Louis looked at himself in the mirror for more than a few seconds checking himself out from every angle because Louis just know he's got a nice body.

And he knows the power he has in such clothing, he knows just what he does to Harry.

Harry's first official college party was the Saturday he left for college, and not to suck his own cock, but he did turn down lots of people because he doesn't ever want to do anything ever again unless he can do it with Louis

But Louis hasn't asked for details on the night Harry lost his virginity, mainly because he's jealous of the fact that he isn't able to be touched by Harry. Really, Louis knows they could do things and everything would be fine. Because honestly, how would anyone who matters to them find out?

But then again, those are just day dreams. Louis knows Harry, and he knows the boy would never do such things as he's gotten older, he's grown this habit of having paranoia over everything. Even the simplest things, he's to a point where he'll ask Louis if cuddling is okay.

Louie is nearly sixteen, just a minor. Harry is beyond scared of what is to come for the two in the next two years. And as they're in Harry's car making their way to his house, he realizes it. He knows that Louis knows damn well what he does to Harry.

He wears these things on purpose, makes little moans when he stretches on purpose.  He knows when it'll do to Harry, and how Harry will react, and that's why he does it.

And that terrifies Harry.

Howdy y'all 🤠🤠
im backkkk
all the love dj c dizzle

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