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♡| he'd never know what it was he loved most about his harry; but he did know he couldn't live without him.

MAY 30TH, 2007 SAW LOUIS' last day of sophomore year, he hadn't been out of school for ten minutes, and he was already stressing about his upcoming junior year of high school.

Harry sighed once more, trying not to laugh; Louis always said some stupid shit when he's have any kind of meltdown about school.

"Blue, you're going to be fine. I flew through junior year, and now look at me," Harry shoots him a smile before the traffic light turns green, "I'm going into my sophomore year of college."

"Yes, but you're so smart, bubbie," Louis pouts as he plays with his fingers, "I struggle to remember most concepts."

And well Harry has to tread lightly. He knows he has to craft a reply that's literally perfect, because there's so many ways that make it sound like he agrees that Louis isn't the brightest; he disagrees with that, but agrees that there's lessons where not everyone understands everything perfectly.

"No, you're so much smarter than you let on, babe," Harry starts, one hand leaving the wheel and grabbing both of Louis' fidgety ones, "if there's something that you don't get, call me. I don't mind helping you."

"Really?" Louis beams, faces lighting up as he looks over to Harry.

"I mean yeah, I didn't have anyone junior year, and it's rough point in life on top of all the school shit so, I want to be there for you throughout all of it." Harry smiles over at him before turning into the McDonald's.

"Thank you!" Louis smiles once more, leaning over to kiss Harry's cheeks.

Harry smiles before clearing his throat, and willing the blush to not show as he parks his car. He shoots Louis a look before he gets out of his car, and makes a short walk into the Mcdonald's, not bothering to ask Louid what he wants, or if he wants to go order with him.

Louis and Harry have their routines down to a point where they can go about them perfectly in their sleep. But that's just the luxury of getting to be so close with a person.

Louis' time alone in the car is spent most thinking. He's going to be seventeen in few months, and this is it, he thinks. This next year and a half is his last one having to hide. His last one having to sneak kisses with Harry, and pout when he can't have more. His last one not totally being Harry's.

He can't wait for it to be over.

Harry comes back ten minutes later, both of their meals and an extra order of fries for Louis to eat as they make their way to the park; they like to sit on the bench and feed the soggy fries to the ducks.

Louis thanks Harry, who just smiles it off, they do this once every two weeks, it's nothing new.

The first ten minutes after arriving, are silent. Both of them are too busy eating to talk, and that's okay, silence has never been a huge problem. Once they finish, the conversations don't stop flowing, moving from topic to topic, sitting on the bench until the sun started setting. Once the sun started setting, after all the little kids went home, they'd go on the swings.

"Do you think it'll all be weird?" Louis blurts out as Harry stops swinging.

"I think it'll be better." he doesn't ask what, because he knows, "I'll get to have you, I'll get to give you kisses in places that aren't our rooms at three in the morning when it's storming and you can't sleep." Louis blushes at that and focuses on his converse.

"I think so too," he agrees, he's said everything before, he wishes there was something new to tell Harry, "are you gonna let me take you on a date?" he giggles.

"Other way around, blue." Harry chuckles, he's stubborn because he's had a set planned date for a year now and no one is going to take that away from him, "You can have the second date though."

"Implying there'd be more than one date?" Louis smiles over at Harry, losing himself in the way the sunset always looks so good on Harry; the way his skin glows and the way his eyes go a lighter green when the sun hits just right.

"Implying there'd be a wedding." he chuckles, but Louis knows it's because he's shrugging the fluffy feeling away.

"There can only be a wedding as long as we have a vanilla cake instead of chocolate." Louis jokes to break any upcoming tension.

And that's how the night went, jokes, fluffy moments, more jokes to avoid getting too fluffy, and tons of innuendos.


Nights when Louis couldn't be there were the hardest. Unfortunately, this summer and the next, Louis would still have to stay with his dad every other week, and it left Harry bored out of his mind. Sure, he had friends and a job, but nothing was ever fun without Louis.

And he knows he relies on Louis for happiness, and everything else; and he knows that could become something extremely unhealthy if they get fucked over in the end, but he doesn't care.

Louis is his world, and he wants the entire world to know that; and the entire world will know that the second Louis turns eighteen.

The second Louis turns eighteen, Harry's going to go on a rooftop and shout as loud as his lungs will allow him to; he's going to proclaim his love for Louis.

And no one, or nothing is going to stop him.

i procrastinated and ended up writting something that i wouldn't consider my best. im sorry ):

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