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Author's P.O.V

Namjoon woke up from the drowning headache he had, making him moan in pain. Looking to the side he noticed a pill and some orange juice. Quickly taking the medicine, he made his way towards the sound of sizzling. He didn't recognize the apartment around him - he just remembered getting drunk with the boys. Did he go home with somebody? 

Ciara's Level Up was playing from a speaker, filling the apartment with a bit of sound. Stumbling towards the kitchen, he leaned against the door frame when he saw who was cooking. Mina was standing in front of a stove, humming and moving her hips while making breakfast. Namjoon couldn't believe it. How in the world was he with Mina? 

His heart started beating faster by the second he looked at her. She had always been a goddess to him  - and just like a goddess she had disappeared 5 years ago without a trace. Until a few days ago when she rocked his world again when she suddenly appeared as a police officer in their company. 

Mina's P.O.V

Turning around because of the sound of the creaking door, I looked at the topless Namjoon who still seemed dizzy. "Mina.", he said silently and I nodded. "Take a shower. Your clothes are already washed and laying on the side of the sink.", I only said and turned around to keep the stew from overcooking. I heard him leave the room and soon enough the shower was turned on. 

About 10 minutes later, I felt his presence behind me. He smelled unbelievably good after taking that shower. Turning around, I was directly in front of him. Water still dripped from his hair, as he leaned down. The next thing I knew was that I was in his arms, my face pressed against his chest.

That was it. The last straw. My tears broke free as he started to stroke the back of my head softly. "My princess.", he mumbled as he held the sobbing me. Lifting my head so that he could see my face, he let one finger glide over my lower lip. "Joonie.", I whispered as he leaned down - but just before our lips met, I heard the door bell.


Pushing Namjoon back, I quickly walked to the door. My heart was a mess. What had I almost done? Shaking my head, I opened the door and placed my arms around Hana, who was giggling as she nestled into my arms. 

Letting go of her, I took her coat off. "How was it, dolly?", I asked smiling and she jumped a bit. "It was great mommy. So-eun and I helped to cook.", Hana said grinning. I could hear Namjoon's voice behind me. "Mommy?", he asked and I froze for a second. I knew that this day would come, but I didn't know it would come so soon. 

Coughing a bit, I swallowed hard. "This is a friend from mommy.", I first introduced Namjoon to Hana, because she was always a bit afraid of strangers. Then I looked Namjoon in the eyes while I stroked her hair. "Namjoon, this is my daughter, Hana.", I slowly said and almost choked up. His eyes got darker, as he sunk to his knees so he could look her in the eyes better. Hana smiled brightly, revealing her dimples. That wasn't the only thing she had in common with her father. She also had his eyes and nose. 

"How old is she?", he asked silently. "I'm turning 5 soon~", Hana answered instead of me and walked towards Namjoon. Closing her in his arms as she opened hers, Namjoon looked up at me and I could see the tears in his eyes as he saw that I was also crying. 

Hana then wiggled herself free. "Go play a bit by yourself now, Hana. I have to talk with Joonie.", I said smiling, handing her her teddy bear that she had placed on the floor to take off her shoes. She nodded like the angel she was and walked to her room. I looked at her back until she closed the door before I turned to face Namjoon. 

"Let's eat. You must be hungry.", I said, trying hard to maintain a natural tone in my voice as I walked in the kitchen, Namjoon following me without saying a word. Both staring into the bowls with the steaming rice, he was the first to speak. "Is Hana..?", "Yes, she is your daughter.", I answered his unfinished question calmly. Namjoon clenched his jaw, before he gripped the spoon and started shoving the food down his throat. I just looked at him, not touching my own food. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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