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Jimin woke up with warm arms wrapped around him in a somehow soothing and non painful way. He attempted wiggling our of the secure arms before the prince would wake up, but every time he tried escaping, the arms found their way back around him. At last he gave up and decided to creepily stare at Jungkook's face. He looked so young and peaceful in his sleep. He could see his delicate eyelashes and the small birthmark under his bottom lip. He took a deep and quiet breath, he smelled good. He smelled sweet, not in an intoxicating way, but it was a subtle sweet smell.

"Are you done observing me?" He saw Jungkook opening one eye, and his mouth pulled into a small smirk.

"I- observing? No... No, I would never. There's just something on your face, that's all."

"Are you sure it's not just handsomeness?" Jungkook winked and he felt his cheeks heating up once again. This prince had to be stopped.

"No it's..." Jimin decided to be bold and with feeling a slight ache on his shoulder he pretended to wipe away something under the prince's bottom lip with his thumb. He felt Jungkook's intense gaze on him and he felt the softness of his skin underneath his thumb. "There, there it's gone now."

"You just did that as an excuse to touch me, there wasn't even anything on my face." Jungkook cried out, not believing the small one.

"Did not, you have no proof." Jimin protested with a small pout. He felt a curious gaze on him and look right into those clear eyes.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 20, you?" Jimin asked, even though he already knew the answer. Most information about the about-to-be-king had already been published in the daily papers.

"19." His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Why were you sleeping outside? Wouldn't it worry your parents?"

"My parents aren't here anymore. I only have a sister, who worries a lot about the fact I'm sleeping outside." Jimin stated, his heart becoming heavier by the thought of his parents. He felt two muscular arms being carefully wrapped around him.

"Then why are you sleeping outside?" Jungkook whispered with a heavy breath. "You don't have to tell me if it's too personal, sorry." Jimin shifted on the bed to look at the prince, he felt a bit of pain but he decided to ignore it.

"It's fine, don't worry. I sleep outside because my parents were in debt after they passed away. They weren't wealthy at all and always worked to their full capacity. But after my father passed away in a car accident and my mother lost her job, bills started increasing and increasing. She couldn't pay them, so now we are stuck with that when she died. My sister lives in a tiny apartment and I went to the streets to lessen the burden of paying bills for another person. She usually forces me inside her apartment when it's snowing. She's in college so it's difficult for her to pay for college, current bills, past bills. When she isn't studying she works and when she isn't working she studies."

"Hmm that sounds extremely tough." Jimin felt Jungkook's hand caressing his hair, playing with the fading blonde locks.
"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What do you struggle with on a day to day basis? How did you live your life on the streets?" He noticed Jungkook tilting his head in curiosity, it was cute.

Jimin was about to answer when they heard someone knocking twice on the wooden door.

"Come in." Jungkook said with a frustrated sigh. A pretty brunette with a uniform came in with a small knowing smile.

"Prince Jeon," She exaggerated her bow. "I'm here to snatch your man away if he's going to be a servant he needs to be trained by the best." Her brown eyes twinkled and her smile grew.

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