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"Jimin?" Jungkook was playing with the ends of Jimin's hair, they were both sitting on the bed. Jimin was sketching and Jungkook watched as the individual lines started to take form.

"Hm?" Jimin mumbled.

"Who are you drawing?" Jimin stopped drawing and glanced back.

"My mother." Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin's small torso.

"Could you tell me about your parents? If you're comfortable with it of course."

"Okay my father died when I was 15 and my mom died when I was 17-" The prince started to interrupt, pressing a chaste kiss on Jimin's shoulder.

"No, no, I mean nice memories. What were they like?" Jungkook inclined and tackled Jimin so they were both lying down.

"Remind me not to draw with you near me." Jimin huffed.

"You're avoiding my questions."

"My parents were happily married. My mom was the sweetest person ever, I was always surrounded with lots of love. She was a painter, I don't think she owned any clothes without paint splatters on them. She thought me everything she knew about art, about colors about the way she saw things. She drew everything she could get her eyes on. She was a great cook as well, she didn't judge until she heard the whole story and had all the pieces to work with. She was the one who found out I was gay as well." Jungkook was concentrated on the words that had been hidden in a dusty closet for a while.

"How did she find out?" Jungkook saw a blush starting to form on Jimin's cheeks.

"Let's just say I've had a pathetic crush on you for while." Jungkook's mouth was open in shock.

"Wait, you've been crushing on me since you were 16?"


"Jimin that's adorable. I'm honored. Okay but what was your dad like then?" Jimin sighed and leaned his head on Jungkook's chest.

"Hm, he was strict but he loved my mom so much. He was kind, but she never told him I was gay. Maybe it was to protect me, because she didn't know how he'd react."

"I see." Jungkook let his hand rest in Jimin's hair.

"How about you though?" Jimin glanced up at the prince.


"What was your mom like?"

"Oh... Well she was quiet, but sweet. I don't remember that much since she passed away early on, but I knew she loved to read and write. I wish I could read her little novels, but my dad has them all locked away somewhere." Jungkook sighed. "And my dad, well you've met the guy, he's strict. I have one older brother, Jungwoo. But he's somewhere else, happily married to a foreigner."

"If he's the eldest, how come you have to rule after your dad dies?" Jimin asked, his eyes were closed and he just listened to Jungkook speak.

"He brought shame upon our name by marrying a foreigner, my father wasn't exactly happy with that situation and decided to send him away and make me the next ruler."

"Jungkook, what's you're biggest fear?" Jimin started hugging Jungkook's side.

"My biggest fear? Probably you letting go of me." Jungkook smiled.

"Kook, I'm being serious." Jimin whined.

"Me too. But I'd say losing the ones I love and burning alive. You? He answered.

"I'd say the same thing, but add drowning to the list."

"Drowning seems peaceful though, in a way." Jungkook mentioned.

"Trust me, there's nothing peaceful about feeling like your head is about to explode." Jimin argued, his eyes narrowing.

"You've got a point-"

"Of course I do." Jimin moved his head to the pillow, watching the prince's face. Jungkook gave a lopsided smile.

"How did you learn dancing?"

"My mom put me on ballet lessons when I was like 6, I did a bit of modern dancing too before I quit completely." Jimin explained.

"Ballet huh?" Jungkook's smile was growing. "Can you still do the spilts?"

"Probably not, but I'll try." Jimin started stretching a few times until he sank down, his hands in the front for support. He was almost completely in the splits, hovering only a few centimeters above the ground. Jungkook was clapping loudly, being Jimin's own personal cheerleader. "Jungkook? Could you um help me. I can't get up." The prince chuckled and lifted Jimin up with ease. He twirled him around once.

"Wow I have a flexible boyfriend." Jimin responded with a slap on the prince's shoulder. "And an agressive one." He caught the fist flying his way in his hand and kissed it. " Not today satan."

"Is there anything you're bad at?" Jimin asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you're good at fighting, archery, exercising, drawing, dancing." Jimin counted on his fingers. "And I heard you were a good singer." Jungkook started blushing, he wasn't good with compliments.

"I guess I'm alright at singing." He started playing with Jimin's ring on his finger.

"Sing something for me, I'll be the judge." Jimin crossed his arms. Jungkook started singing a song he didn't recognise. His voice was light and breathy but somehow very stable and pure heaven.

"Liar. Big far liar, that was gorgeous. I don't think you're bad at anything." Jimin protested.

"I'm bad at expressing myself with words and I'm good at messing stuff up." Jungkook sighed.

"You have a way with words though, and although you mess up you're good at fixing things as well." Jimin smiled. "You can fix my bad mood in a few seconds." Jungkook came closer, a small smirk played on his lips. He hovered over Jimin's lips.

"Are you sure?" He whispered, Jimin could feel his breath on his skin making him shudder until Jungkook pulled away and walked toward the door.

"Fucking tease."

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