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Hey, guys. There's no smut, bc I don't write that kind of stuff. This part isn't that much reddie. Its a bit slow moving, so nothing really happens in this part. You can skip to the second part, I don't really care. Like at all. If there are any similarities from this book to any other, please note that that is completely coincidental. Thanks.

"A Rabbi pulls down his pants, and says, WHERE'S THE BEEF??!?!" Richie said. Eddie was looking at him, so heart-eyed. Richie merely glanced at him, smiling. They kept talking and walked out of the school.

"Best feeling ever." Stan said, dumping all of his books into the bin. "Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie said.

They all said their goodbyes, and it was just Richie and Eddie together, as they live close, a few blocks away from each other. "Bye." Eddie said, looking up at Richie. He just looked at Richie's glasses, that zoomed into his cute eyes. He looked at his freckles, that dusted over his nose and cheeks perfectly. But most importantly, he looked at his smile. It made Eddie light up. "What are you smiling about?" Richie asked suspiciously. "Uh, no, nothing. I-it was just a bird j-just shit o-on someone's head. Yeah." Eddie said, rubbing his nape nervously. "No, you were looking at that hot chick, don't lie." Richie said, pointing at the chick across the road. "She's hot as fuck. Don't you think?" Richie asked.

Richie really hoped that he didn't find her hot. Richie didn't find her hot anyways. She looked like Greta. "What the fuck, Richie, that's Greta. Nobody likes Greta." Eddie said, taking his pills out. "You got a wrong prescription for your glasses." Eddie swallows his pills. Shit, it is Greta. "Okay, bye." Eddie puts his pills back into his fanny pack and walks away from Richie. His cheeks start to heat up, and so does Richie's. Good thing they aren't facing each other. They both smile faintly, and walk home.


As Eddie is dressing up for bed, The phone starts ringing. It's Richie. It has to be Richie. Eddie bolts down the stairs. "IT'S FOR ME!!!!!!" Eddie shouts.

"Richie, I'm about to go to sleep, what the hell? And Mommy already said goodnight to me."
"Mommy already said goodnight to you? Well, I don't care. I'm gonna say goodnight to you. Okay, night. Love you-"
"I said goodnight."
"Okay, n-"
Richie hung up.

Richie speed walks around the room, trying to calm down. What did I just do?!? Holy shit. He knows I like him. What the fuck. What the fuck. Holy shit. He walks around the room. He jumps on his bed. He knows I like him.

Eddie sighs, and puts the phone down. The corners of his mouth start to pull up into a smile. He likes me. He said 'love you'. His cheeks start to turn red and he jumps up and down. He runs up the stairs, and jumps on the bed. "Eddie, baby, go to sleep now. It's late." Sonia says, rubbing her eyes. "Okay, Mommy. Goodnight." And that, was the only night he slept with a smile on his face.


It's the next day, and both Richie and Eddie wake up early to meet each other at the park. They were at opposite sides of the park, and they walked slowly to each other like something out of a movie. "Hey." Richie said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay, let's go to Bill's, because of that stupid project. I hate summer homework." Richie said. "You got the paper? Because I got the pencils and shit." Richie said, pointing at his backpack. "Yep." Eddie said. Together, they walked to Bill's house.

"Hey bitches." Richie said to the gang as he and Eddie walked through the garage door. "Hey." Stan said. "So, you got food." Stan said, pointing at Ben. Ben nodded, holding up his backpack. "You got paper." Stan pointed at Eddie. Eddie opened the backpack which revealed the paper. "And you got the colors." Stan pointed to Richie. Richie nodded.

"What are we gonna do the project on?" Richie said, dumping all of the colors and
markers onto the table.


"Okay, bye!" Eddie said, closing the door. "That was fun. Wanna stay the night at my place?" Richie asked. "Uh, look. Here's the plan:
1. We go to Bill's house and ring my Mom.
2. I tell her I'm staying at Bill's.
3. We walk to your house.
4. I stay at your house for the night.

Cool?" Eddie said. "Cool." Richie replied, putting his hand out. Eddie took his hand and they entered Bill's house.

"Hey, Mommy."
"Hey, Eddie."
"I-I'm staying at Bill's for the night. Is that okay?"
"Ya, sure, that's fine, honey. Don't get into too much trouble, okay?"
"Okay, Mommy. Love you. Bye."

Eddie put the phone back. "Eds, you s-sure you d-don-don't w-wanna stay h-here? S-stan's stay-taying here for th-the night, and I've got a-an inflatable mattress in m-my closet." Bill said, pointing at the closet. "It's okay. Uh, thanks." Eddie said leaving the room with Richie.


Richie jumped on the bed. They turned the TV on. "I'm starving. Wanna get food?" Richie asked, rubbing his stomach.. "Ya, sure. Let's go." They held hands and entered the kitchen. "Dr.Pepper, 7up, you got it?" Eddie said, looking in the pantry. "Uh, yep. I've got it." Richie, said, looking into the fridge. "You got the chips?" Richie said, stuffing the cans in his shirt. "Okay, whoooooo, cold. Cold, cold." Richie said, swiftly walking around the kitchen. They ran up the stairs and into Richie's room.


At Bill's house, Stan and Bill were watching a scary movie. Stan was with Bill on his bed. They were eating cookies, the crumbs all over their mouths. "Bill? Can I tell you something?" Stan said, trying to wipe crumbs off his mouth. "Y-ya, go o-on." Bill said, looking at Stan. "You know what? It's fine. I'll leave it for another day." Stan said, looking down, fidgeting with his fingers. Bill looked down. "O-okay. S-s-sure." Bill pulled a faint frown. He loved him. And he really hoped Stan felt that way too.

Thanks for reading!!!

I won't be posting anything so soon due to traveling and other stuff. Okay, bye!!!

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