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The Losers Club pack their things and enter Bev's house. They all change into their pajamas and jump on the couch. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Bill asked. "Put The Shining on." Bev said, and Bill puts the CD in. They watch the movie, Bev and Mike, heads leaning against each other, blankets covering their shoulders and heads. Stan and Bill, holding each other's arms, gripping tighter onto each other at every scary part there was. Eddie, leaning on Richie's shoulder, him playing with his hair. Ben, holding into a pillow, very frightened.

"Okay, guys. It's three am, and I have to go at nine. Bill, wanna come?" Stan whispered, putting his hand out. "Sure. Night, guys." Bill said, rubbing his eyes. Taking his hand, Bill and Stan enter the guest room. They close the light, and all is silent.

"Okay, I'm done. Goodnight, guys." Ben said, pulling his bag onto his back. Bev, Mike, Richie and Eddie wave as Ben enters the guest room. "I'll sleep on the floor." They heard Ben say, as he closed the door.

"Well, now it's just us four." Bev said, looking at all if them. She paused the movie. "Wanna just, get a warm drink, and like, talk?" Bev said, shrugging. "Sure." Eddie whispered. Everybody enters the kitchen. Bev turns the lights on, and Mike fills the kettle up with water. Eddie gets the instant tomato soup, and Richie gets the cups.

The tomato soup was ready, and everybody crowded over the table. "Where can we live?" Eddie whispered, taking a sip of the hot soup. "You can live with me before you guys are able to buy another house." Bev whispered, rubbing her eyes. Mike's eyelids were bobbing up and down, trying to stay open. "That's my limit. Y'all are crazy. Night." Mike whispered, rubbing his eyes. "Night Bev." Mike put his arm around her. "Night." Bev said, kissing his cheek. Mike grabbed the blanket off the couch and entered Bev's room. Eddie and Richie looked at each other smirking. "What?" Bev asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "Are-" Eddie stopped, and started whispering. "Are you and Mike, a-a thing?" Eddie asked, smiling. "Ya, kind of." Bev whispered, running her fingers through her messy hair. Richie started jumping up and down. "Shhh. They're sleeping." Bev whispered, pointing at the two rooms.

"Oops. Sorry." Richie whispered. Eddie and Richie stopped, smiling at each other. "I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds at it. Night." Bev said, sliding her coffee to Richie. "Eew. I don't want it." Richie said, sliding it to Eddie. Eddie held it and dumped it into the sink. Bev entered her room. "What time is it?" Richie asked. "Uh, it's five." Eddie said, looking at his watch. "Five am?" Richie asked, with a scared look on his face. "Ya, Rich. It'S FiVe aM. Oh my God, you're so stupid." Eddie said, slapping his shoulder. "Wanna go to a diner?" Richie asked, taking all the cups and putting them in the sink. "Ya, just let me change into something presentable." Eddie said, grabbing his bag. "Okay, see you later. I need to take a piss." Richie whispered. He entered the bathroom and Eddie put some pants on. Richie and Eddie walked hand in hand to the diner, letting everybody stare.
Richie and Eddie arrived at the diner, sitting at a small table. "Ooh, nice. What do you wanna get?" Richie asked, flipping through the menu. "Uh, dunno. Probably......" Eddie said, checking his watch. "Oh wow. It's already six? I'm gonna have a stack of pancakes." Eddie said, closing the menu. "Ya, I'll share." Richie said, putting his menu down. "You're broke." Eddie said, taking his hand sanitizer out. "Oh my god. You brought that? Wow." Richie said, the waitress coming towards them. "Hi, good morning. What would you like to order?" The waitress asked, taking her notepad and pen out. "Uh, can I get pancakes with syrup and butter please." Eddie said, looking at the waitress. The waitress nodded and looked at Richie. "I'll share with him." Richie said, and smiled. "Okay. Thanks." The waitress said, and walked away.

The pancakes arrived. "Thanks." Eddie said. "No problem. Enjoy." The waitress said, and put the pancakes on the table. Richie's eyes widened, and shoved his fork into the pancakes. "Holy shit. Somebody's hungry." Eddie said, putting his fork into the pancakes. They soon finished, and Eddie gave the money to the cashier.
They returned to the house, and saw the everybody crowded around the table, eating breakfast. "You guys didn't sleep, did you." Mike said, taking a sip from his water. "Haha. Nope." Richie said, dropping the keys onto the coffee table. "How's your Dad?" Richie asked. "I didn't check on him." Bev said. "He's probably rotting right now. Eww." Eddie said, wrinkling his nose. "Where did you guys go?" Bill asked. "A diner. But we can have a second helping of food, can't we Eds?" Richie asked, nudging Eddie on the shoulder. "I mean, ya. Sure." Eddie said, shrugging. They filled their plates up with food and leaned on the counter. "So, how was your sleep, guys?" . Everybody looked at each other, shrugging. "Done." Eddie said. "Me too." Richie said. He got his plate and Eddie's, and put it into the sink. "Okay, bye." Eddie and Richie walked into a bedroom.

The phone rang. Eddie picked it up.

"Hello, is this Eddie?"
"Yes, this is Eddie. Who is this?"
"Eddie, it's aunt Betty. You're moving to mine."

Eddie widened his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek. "What is it?" Richie asked. Eddie put his hand up. "Sshh. Ya?" Eddie kept on talking.

"Your Mom said that you were gay. I mean, what's wrong with that?"
"Aunt Betty, seriously?"
"Ya. I mean, your Dad was fine about it. We all are, in my house."
"Oh, wow. When will you be coming?"
"Right now."
"Okay, bye."

Eddie put down the phone. "I'm moving."

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