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Sonia stood there in awe. My baby. That's my baby. She closed the door quietly and walked to her room. She was furious.

Eddie and Richie woke up. Eddie checked his watch on his bedside table. It was 9:07am. "Morning Eddie." Richie whispered, his arms still wrapped around Eddie. "I love you." Eddie whispered. He held Richie's face and kissed his forehead. They got out of bed and Eddie took his pills out. "You don't need these." Richie said, tossing them into the bin. "What the fuck? You know my Moms gonna kill me when she finds out. That is so unsanitary." Eddie said, retrieving the pills out of the bin. "Fine then. You don't need these." Eddie said, walking to Richie, taking his glasses off, and putting it in the collar of his shirt. Eddie takes his pills and Richie puts his glasses on. "Haha, you thought." Richie said, looking at Eddie. "Boys, Breakfast!!!!" Sonia shouts. Eddie and Richie shrug and walk downstairs into the kitchen.


Now, to think strategically, if there are three at a table, like, all around a table, if a person were to try to block two other people from holding hands, it would be very hard. It's not impossible, but it's really hard. So, the thing that Sonia thought of?: Invite another person. Who? The best person would have to be none other than: Pastor Jeff.


"So, Eddie, Richie. I would like you to meet my friend, Pastor Jeff." Sonia said, gesturing them to shake hands with him. Richie and Eddie looked at each other, confused. "Can I just talk, t-to Richie for a few seconds? Ma?" Eddie asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Sonia rolled her eyes and nodded. Eddie took Richie's arm and led him to the hallway. "Wait, you know what? Probably here." Eddie led him to the laundry room.

"Okay, so I think I know what my Mom is doing." Eddie whispered, hands on Richie's shoulders. "What is it?" Richie asked. "Uh, I think my Mom doesn't want to see us together. I didn't come out to her yet thou-" "We will still be together. Okay? Look, we're not gonna care. Because we love each other. And I love you, Eddie. I love you." Richie whispered, and hugged Eddie tight. Eddie pulled a confused face, and looked at Richie. "I didn't know a trashmouth could say the cheesiest of words." Eddie whispered, looking at Richie head to toe. "Why, you didn't like it?" Richie asked. "No. I loved it." Eddie held Richie's waist tight, and kissed him. "What the fuck was that for?" Richie asked, their noses touching. "Dunno. We've been interrupted so may times. From my stupid Mom calling for food and other shit." Eddie whispered, shrugging.


"So, bye. Thanks for helping me with the last of the project." Bill said, looking at Stan, smiling. "Bye." Stan leaned closer to Bill and kissed his cheek. "No problem. I'll see you later at Derry Scoop. Deal?" Stan whispered, looking at Bill. "Sure. Okay, before your Mom shouts at us." Bill said, pointing at Stan's Mom, who was waiting in the car. Stan throws his bag into the car and walks in. He closes the door and waves at the window. "Bye." Bill whispered.

A few hours later, Bill dressed up, wearing a blue baseball tee, white-washed blue jeans with red converse. He smoothed his t-shirt and jeans, and fixed his hair. Great. He walked down the stairs and opened the door. "Where are you off to?" Mrs. Denborough asked, rubbing her hands on her dirty apron. "Out with Stan. T-to Derry Scoop." Bill replied nervously. He looked down at his shoes. "Mkay. Don't get hurt. Enjoy!" Mrs. Denborough said, closing the kitchen door. Bill sighed, and left the house. As he was walking, he saw Richie and Eddie sharing an ice-cream, as they walked out of Derry scoop. Bill ran to them. "Hey, guys. Is Stan in there?" Bill asked nervously. Eddie and Richie looked at each other. They both pulled a confused face. "Talk again." Richie said, looking at Eddie. "Is Stan in the-" "YOUR STUTTER IS GONE!!!!!" Richie screamed, probably all of Derry heard it. "Ya, he's in there. By-" "Thanks." Bill walked into Derry Scoop, and saw Stan at a table. "Hey."Bill said, sitting down. "So, what do you want to get?" Stan asked, holding ten dollars in his hand. "I don't know. Just whatever you're having." Bill said, smiling. Stan got up from his chair. "Wait. I need to ask you something. Well, two questions." Stan sat back down. "First of all, are we "a thing"?" Bill whispered. Stan nodded and smiled. "And, are Richie and Eddie a thing? Bill asked. "Dunno. Probably not." Stan whispered. Stan walked up to the cashier. "Okay, two chocolate-vanilla swirls with Oreos please." Stan asked the cashier, handing him the ten dollars. After a few minutes, Stan came back to the table with two chocolate-vanilla swirl with Oreos.

I couldn't do Cookie Crisp, as that was invented in 2008. I went with Oreos because that sounded more pleasant than Reese's. Yes, vine reference.

"Ooh, nice. Do you wanna just, go out?" Bill asked, getting a few napkins. Stan nodded, and handed Bill his ice-cream.


Eddie and Richie came back home, just the bottom of the cone left. Richie took it from Eddie's hand and shoved it in his mouth. Eddie looked at Richie, with furrowed eyebrows. "Sorry." Richie said, putting his hands up. They both walked up the stairs, hand in hand. "Eddie, can I talk to you for a couple of minutes?" Sonia asked. Eddie looked at Richie. Richie held Eddie's waist, and kissed him quickly. "Just in case. Love you." Richie whispered, and kissed Eddie on the cheek. Eddie gave Richie a faint smile, and walked downstairs into the living room, where Sonia was.

"Hi, Mommy. What is it?" Eddie asked nervously. "It's about Rich-" The phone in the kitchen rang loudly. Sonia got out of her chair. Eddie put his head in his hands and sighed. It reminded himself about this morning, breakfast.


"Hello!" Pastor Jeff said happily, putting his hand out for both Richie and Eddie to shake. Richie and Eddie looked at each other. "Hi." Richie said, waving at Pastor Jeff. Pastor Jeff smiled. They all walked to the table, Eddie and Richie sitting opposite each other. "C'mon, Grace." Sonia said, and everybody joined hands. "Dear Lord, may this food nourish us. Please bless us, and especially Eddie." Eddie opened his eyes, to see Richie's eyes open too. 'What the fuck?' Eddie mouthed to Richie. Richie shrugged. "And may Eddie heal." Sonia continued, Richie shaking his head to indicate that they were going to open their eyes. "Amen." Sonia and Pastor Jeff opened their eyes. Eddie opened his eyes. "Rich." Eddie whispered. "Yup." Richie said, opening his eyes.

"So." Pastor Jeff said, putting the scrambled egg in his mouth. "Your Mom said I had to do some curing in this house." Pastor Jeff said, looking at everyone. Eddie knew what this was. Oh no. Just say something else. "From my fever? Mommy, I already take my pills for that. What's happening?" Good work. "No, Eddie. There's a demo-" "I don't understand. I'm getting better from my from my fever from the pills. There isn't anything inside of me. Whatever it is, it's my organs, and not anything else. Okay? You know what? Richie, let's go." Richie looks up at Eddie, and takes his hand. "Eddie!!!!!!!" Sonia screams, and Eddie and Richie leave the house.


Sonia comes back from the kitchen. "I need Richie out of your life." Sonia said sternly.

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