Chapter 7

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He was a fucking idiot.

A complete and utter moron.

Why the hell had he agreed to go on a date with the brat?

He couldn't do it, it wasn't possible. He was swamped with more work than usual because of the goddamn trip to France (which really didn't need to take off three weeks of his life for). He was busy, he had work to do.

Levi glared at the clock, blaming it for his myriad of problems.

3:47 AM flashed back at him, showing no remorse for the fact that he was still awake and working. In the fucking office.

He had been in the office since 5 am yesterday, and had yet to leave. He was exhausted, irritated, sick of the crappy vending machine snacks, and just wanted to go back to his apartment, close the blinds, and sleep for a thousand years. But he couldn't. He still had a stack of work to do before the plane left on Monday, and since it was now Saturday morning, he had less than 2 days to finish it.

Fuck Erwin. Fuck Hanji. Fuck everyone.

He thought of Eren. The college student was probably asleep right now, jacking off to some wet dream.

How the hell had he expected to be able to meet the boy for coffee? He had barely enough time to get up from his desk and make himself his hundredth coffee of the morning.

He knew he wouldn't be able to make it. He knew he should text the brat and explain to him that he was buried in work and there was no fucking way he could ever finish in time for their date. He knew he should go home, get some sleep, and start fresh in the morning. He knew all these things, but since he was a self-loathing bastard, he sat in an empty office in the early hours of the morning, slowly working his way through a stack of files.

He glanced at his phone, then back at the clock.

There was no way he could do it.

But he had told the kid he'd be there. He'd committed and needed to see it through.

You're killing yourself, Levi. He couldn't make the date, but he wouldn't break it either.

The last time he backed out of a commitment-

Not thinking of that. He reminded himself sharply, trying to focus his mind back on his work. He knew numbers, he knew files, he could deal with them. He couldn't deal with brunet brats who had stunning green-blue eyes, or broken promises.

He had known he wouldn't be able to take time to go out for coffee with the boy the second he received the text, but he had agreed anyways.

Good job, Levi. You made a promise, and now you have to carry through, he told himself.

He should have told the brat no, that he was too busy, but he'd been a fucking idiot and agreed. He hadn't been able to turn the boy down, and to be honest, he didn't want to. He was definitely interested in the younger male and couldn't help but be drawn in by his intense passion.

He knew he shouldn't get attached, he should keep a wall between him and the kid just like he did with everyone else. The only people that had broken through his barriers in the past 9 years were Hanji and Erwin, and that was only because the pair were persistent as fuck. Ever since that day in France, all those years ago, he had tried his best to cut himself off from attachments and emotions.

He had enough baggage and issues, he didn't need other people to come into his life and bring more problems with them. It was easier to be alone. He could focus on his work and not concern himself with others. He was okay with it.

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