Chapter 23

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"Come on, Levi, it'll be fun."

"Says the college student." The older man grumbled from his place on the bed. "I can think of several things I'd rather be doing."

Eren rolled his eyes, "How can you be sure you'll hate it if you've never done it?"

"I have done it. I'd rather stab my eyes out than do it again." The older male retorted.

"Oh, come on." Eren sighed, turning from the closet to make a face at the man stretched out on the bed. "You've never done it with me. Who knows? It could be fun."

"I could think of something more fun we could be doing instead." Levi wasn't even trying to be subtle, he was practically fucking the younger male with that stare.

A flush spread over the brunet's cheeks and he swallowed, "Levi, we can have sex anytime, I'm only in Paris for another week."

"Tch. If you love it so much, we'll come back again. Maybe for Christmas. You'll love Paris covered in snow." The Frenchman promised, waving off his concern.

Eren's eyes widened, "Really?" He grinned, imagining the pair of them walking down the now-familiar streets, only this time bundled up in jackets and scarves to protect them from the cold. The picture was an exciting one to look forward too, especially with only have a week left on the trip. Time really did fly. He couldn't believe it'd already been two weeks since they had arrived. It simultaneously felt like a lifetime and no time at all.

"Of course, mon lupe, if you would like." Levi had taken to calling him by the pet name, and Eren couldn't say he didn't like it. It was much better than 'brat' or 'little shit' -though he was still called those on occasion-.

Images of them wandering the city at Christmas filled his mind's eye and a fuzzy warmth filled him. Christmas was so far away, and yet Levi spoke with an easy assurance that they'd still be together then. The feeling of happiness spreading through his limbs had him beaming as he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to the man's lips.

Levi, taking the opportunity, tangled a hand in his hair and held him close for another, longer and deeper kiss that left him breathless. He pulled away slightly, panting for breath, but the older man simply continued to kiss down his neck.


"Mmm?" The Frenchman hummed, sucking a rather large purple bruise on the brunet's skin.

"Stop trying to distract me." Eren said, struggling to keep his breathing even and firm as he pulled away.

"Tch." Levi fell back onto the bed, giving up his attempted distraction. "For such a horny brat, you'd think I'd be able to distract you with the promise of sex easily."

"Stop complaining," He rolled his eyes, doing his best to ignore the man on the bed beside him and said promise of sex. "If it turns out to be a bust, we can come right back here."

"I don't see why you even want to go in the first place," The older man persisted, "It's just going to be a bunch of drunks babbling in a language you don't understand, and too many sweaty bodies in one tight space. It's fucking disgusting."

"Because, Levi, the waiter at the cafe recommended it to us. I want to get a real experience of how Parisians live and this seems like a perfect opportunity." He explained, sorting through the clothes hanging in his side of the closet in an attempt to find something to wear. A task he'd been at for the past several minutes.

"I don't remember that waiter," Levi grumbled, then spoke up from his spot, still uninclined to move and get ready for the night. "You do realize that people go to clubs everywhere, right? Not just Paris?"

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