Chapter 10

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As comfortable as flying first class was, Eren couldn't have been more ready to step off the plane the second they landed. He could only sit in the same place, watching movies and struggling to stay awake, for so long.

He was practically dead on his feet by the time they got through customs and gathered their luggage to head to the apartment.

"You look like a fucking zombie." Levi commented as they made their way through the nearly deserted airport, which wasn't surprising considering the time of night.

"You should look in the mirror." Eren snapped back, the lack of sleep making him irritated. Neither of them were in the best mood, being sleep deprived and suffering the consequences of international travel. Is this jet lag? Because it sucks.

"Shut the fuck up, brat." The older man grumbled, nodding to a well-dressed man holding a sign with 'LEVI' scrawled across it. At least they wouldn't have to wait for a taxi, Hanji must've scheduled a driver to pick them up. Or maybe Levi did. Not that it mattered who did, all that mattered was they were getting to the apartment faster. Which meant sleep. And sleep was top priority at the moment.

Eren felt slightly disappointed in himself, he was in finally in France and all he cared about was going to sleep. Levi hadn't been lying, jet lag was hell.

He tried to shake off his foul mood, brought on by nothing but his own exhaustion, and take in the sights around him as he followed the two men to a private car.

This, however, proved difficult to do considering he could barely keep his eyes open. Not to mention that most of his concentration was being directed to keeping his sluggish feet moving as he followed the shorter man's surprisingly quick stride.

He did manage to determine that the airport was very much a French airport because he couldn't understand any of the signs around them. He considered this a success, deeming his inability to read French as proof that they were actually in France. That doesn't even make sense to me, he thought, realizing that he really needed sleep if he was going to enjoy any of the sights around him.

"Levi," Eren whined, "I'm tired."

"And you'll go to bed soon." The raven-haired man threw a glare at him as they walked.

"Jet lag sucks." He complained as he dragged the heavy suitcase behind him. His arms felt like they were going to fall off, both from exhaustion and the bricks that had magically appeared in his bag. Why had he packed so many clothes again? Oh, right, Hanji. "I want to look around but my eyes won't open."

"Stop complaining, you'll have three weeks to see everything." Levi pointed out. This fact did not seem to matter to the brunet though.

"But I wanna see it now." He continued to pout as they stepped out of the airport and into the cool night air of France. It was brighter than he expected outside, the streets lit by shining buildings around them. The street was busier than he expected as well with multiple people strolling casually through the city despite the late hour.

Eren shivered as they walked briskly to the car, torn between wanting to dash into the warm vehicle and exploring the city. You have three weeks here, he reminded himself, climbing into the backseat of the luxurious black car, you'll have time to see everything.

A few moments after him, Levi climbed into the back of the car as well, presumably after telling the driver directions to his apartment, and Eren practically collapsed on the older man's shoulder, too tired to care about the consequences of this action. Levi's probably too tired to kill me right now anyways.

"Oi, brat! Get off me." He was shoved, not too gently, to the other side of the car. "You're fucking annoying when you're tired."

"You're mean when you're tired." Was Eren's genius retort as he scowled at the man across the car. All he wanted was a pillow, and the man refused to allow him to use his shoulder as one.

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