Chapter 8

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Sorry it takes so long to get these chapters out! My friend and I have to recover them when they're mother isn't home.

It was finally here.

The day Eren had been dreaming of his entire life, the day he never thought would come, had arrived.

Just over a week ago he was sitting in his dorm trying to find some escape from his dead end life, and now he sat with his bags packed, about to go to France with a man he may have feelings for whom he hadn't known existed two weeks ago.

The feeling was surreal, terrifying, and above all else, exciting.

Not even Mikasa's endless nagging had ruined his good mood. He was practically vibrating with energy, desperate to see the shorter male again. The canceled date weighted heavily on his mind, as well as the phone call the pair had exchanged, and he thought he should be nervous about seeing Levi again, but he wasn't.

That was a lie; he was slightly nervous, but not enough to deter him from the trip. Sure, he had flirted with the older man, and maybe what they'd said had surpassed flirting, but it hadn't been unwelcome either.

"Is that a promise?" The words still sent shivers down his spine.

"More like a challenge." God, had he really said that? What had he been thinking?

He hadn't been thinking. He'd been caught up in the sound of the other man's voice, smooth and deep, and had impulsively said the first thing that came to his mind. He was practically begging for the man to jump his bones with a response like that. Then again, he definitely wouldn't mind Levi fucking him.

He didn't regret a word he'd said, whatever price he had to pay was worth the sound of Levi's breath catching in his throat, caught off guard.

Eren had a strong desire to surprise the older male more often, to see if he could break through the mask he always wore. And if that mask broke while the man was shirtless and panting on top of him, Eren wouldn't complain a bit.

"You're sure you have everything?" Mikasa demanded, pacing the length of his dorm, and drawing him from his thoughts.

"As sure as I've been the last hundred times you've asked." He replied, slightly amused at his nervous behavior.

"What about your phone charger? And adapters?" She pressed.

He sighed and gripped the key hanging around his throat. "I triple checked that I packed everything. Hanji sent me a list of exactly what to pack, complete with a check list and everything." He gestured to the paper on his desk. "I have enough clothes for an army, even a suit just in case we go somewhere nice, my laptop, all my power cords, adapters, toothbrush, and everything else on her list in here."

He patted the oversized suitcase sitting at the foot of his bed. He had been a bit concerned about bringing such a large bag and asked Hanji about it several times, but she had just said that it was better to overpack than be underprepared. Then she insisted that he bring an extra bag as a carry-on with all of his art supplies because "What artist doesn't dream of painting in Paris?"

He had to admit, she had a point.

Hanji had also finally forwarded him the itinerary of their trip, which listed a ton of activities she thought would be fun for the pair to do, as well as the details of where they would be staying.

It turned out that Levi owned an apartment in Paris, though he rarely visited, and they would be staying there for the majority of the three weeks. According to Hanji, she had tried planning an excursion to the French countryside for the last week, but Levi had been dead set against it, which is why they were to stay in Paris the entire time.

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