Chapter 3

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I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear, I fumble around with my phone in my hand and hit snooze. I close my eyes that were slightly open to turn off the alarm. Eventually, I drift back off to sleep.


My alarm sounds once again and this time I am ready to wake up. But I don't get out of bed immediately, instead, I go on my phone. I scroll through Instagram and catch up on videos that I didn't finish yesterday.

After about an hour of just staying in bed and watching YouTube, I finally decide to get out of bed. I walk out of my bedroom and into the kitchen and make some cereal. I broadcast my phone to the TV and continue watching YouTube.

Well, this is the life just eating some cereal and watching YouTube. OMG! I almost forgot Jack is flying in today! YAY!!! I get to see my favorite YouTuber in person again. I did see him last year, but for most of the time, I was drunk with (Y/N). 

Well, just to make it clear (Y/N) didn't get me drunk I got her drunk. As you can tell by now I am the stupid and irresponsible one out of the two of us. (Y/N) is way more responsible than me. But, I like to think what I lack in responsibility I make up for in loyalty and energy.

 Then my train of thought got disturbed by my phone vibrating. I look at my phone and see that I got a text from (Y/N). I unlock my phone and look at the text.

"Hey, Sam. Do u want to see Jack, he's fine with it."  

"Yes! Of course, I want to see Jack! What time?"

"Uh. Idk I will ask Jack."

I wait a few seconds for (Y/N) to ask Jack. Then I feel my phone buzz, telling me that she responded.

"He said anytime."

"Ok, I will be over there at like 10:30."

"Ok cool beans see u then."

I get off my couch and put my bowl into the sink to wash later. I go into my room and pick out an outfit that looks a little bit decent. I mostly have a lot of dark colors in my closet so I decide to wear a black shirt that has a little design on it. Then I pair it with another one of my black pair of jeans.

I quickly get ready, the excitement of meeting Jacksepticeye making me move faster. After getting dressed, I brush my teeth, whilst brushing my teeth I make sure to not get any toothpaste on my shirt.

Then, I zoom out the door and drive to (Y/N)'s house. As I race out the door I luckily grab my Jacksepticeye hat. I want to get to (Y/N)'s house immediately so I don't start playing music. Therefore, the car is silent except for the thoughts running through my head.

After what felt like an eternity I arrive at (Y/N)'s house. I quickly find a parking spot and dash out of the car. When I enter the building I say hi to James, (Y/N) 's landlord, and instead of taking the elevator, I run up the stairs.

Which remember that (Y/N) is on the 5th floor of her apartment building. So this is a huge risk for me to be running up the stairs and too not faint. Eventually, about halfway through running up the stairs at my top speed, I slow down and walk for a little bit.

Why the fuck did I decide to run up the stairs! I could've just went in the elevator and I would have been at (Y/N)'s apartment already. These are the moments that I really notice how stupid I am at times.

Then finally what felt like an hour of running up the stairs, which was more like 5 minutes, I made it to (Y/N)'s apartment. I take a deep breath and slow down my breathing before I ring the doorbell. I press the doorbell and a few seconds after I ring it (Y/N) opens the door.

"Well, you can come in. Instead of just waiting out here."  

I walk into (Y/N)'s apartment and I start scanning the room of Jack. Then I think I see a little tuft of Jack green hair peeking over the couch.

Apparently (Y/N) noticed me looking for Jack and shouts "Jack! The fangirl is looking for you!"

 "Okay, I will brace myself. I may need my bodyguard to help out!" Jack shouts back.  

My eyes go wide when I hear Jack shout this back at (Y/N) from the other room. I start imagining a huge guy in the other room watching Jack's every move and making sure no one goes near him.

I think (Y/N) notices this and says "Don't worry I'm his bodyguard." I sigh in relief after (Y/N) says that.

I notice Jack walk around the corner and I charge towards him to give him a hug. I release from the hug and start jumping up and down from excitement.

  "Well, I see you're a fan."  

"Yeah," I announce pointing towards my hat.

"Oh cool. You have a Sam the Septiceye hat."

"Yeah (Y/N) gave it to me for my birthday."

"Oh, that's what happened to the hat I gave you," Jack says looking at me.

"Hey. Don't blame me she was dying to get one and I don't watch you so."

  "Ah. I'm just kidding (Y/N). It's cool to meet a fan. I love meeting them and seeing them smile."  I can feel my cheeks start to blush after Jack says that. But gladly (Y/N) doesn't say anything about it.

"Well do you want to do anything? Like, go to the mall or something?" (Y/N) suggests.

"Well, I don't care," Jack responds.

"Well, I brought a movie. So we can watch that or one of yours." 

"Yeah, that's fine with me." Jack comments.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I will go make some popcorn." (Y/N) announces waling over to the kitchen.


"Well, that was a good movie. Good choice Sam." (Y/N) comments.

"Thanks and yeah it was," I respond.

"Well, what to do you want to do now it's only 1 pm," 

"Do you have any board games we can play those?" Jack suggests.


(Y/N) gets some games and we continue to just play board games and hang out for the rest of the day. Then eventually I leave and go back to my apartment building. When I get back and realize that it is only 7 pm, so I decided to work a little bit.

I have to color a background for one scene so I do that and some other stuff. I finish my work and get ready for bed, even though I am not very tired. Since I am not tired, as usual, I just lay in bed and go on my phone.

After about 2 hours of doing I get sleepy and put my phone on my nightstand to charge. I then turn off the light and fall asleep not having any plan for what I am going to do tomorrow.

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