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Warning-Kinda graphic. Don't read if that isn't your thing.


You wake to someone pressed up against your back, placing butterfly kisses along your shoulders. At first, you don't think much of it. You feel safe wrapped in those arms and the tickle of morning kisses is just an added bonus.

The hand on your waist wanders lower, squeezing at your hip before coming to rest on your stomach. You hum contentedly and wriggle closer to the body behind you, relishing in the warmth that's being radiated from it. Even without getting up, you can tell the room is cold. You just want to stay curled up under the covers, toasty in your own little bubble.

The kisses become a little longer, a little harder. You try to keep the grin off your face when they morph into little nips. It wouldn't be the first time Anti was a little excited in the morning and you weren't exactly against it. The next time you shift, you do so purposely, pressing yourself right up against him. The tiny groan he lets out brings you far too much satisfaction.

He chuckles, and you feel it vibrate against your back more so than hear it. His bites become a little more adventurous, shifting up to nibble at your neck and press open mouthed kisses against your skin.

You feel so safe. So warm. So-

Somethings wrong.

Suddenly the hand lying on your stomach is clawed, nails digging into your flesh. You try to cry out but your throat feel too tight and no sound comes out. You can't move either, no matter how much you try.

Blood. Theres so much blood, everywhere you look. You're no longer in bed, you're on the floor and you're chained up and you're bleeding and you can't breath-

No, wait, you're in the living room and Anti's on the floor, deathly pale. The stench hits you like a wall seconds later and you retch. Even so, you stumble over to him and roll him over. His eyes are open, blank and bleeding and you stumble back, away from the body. His entire stomach is sliced open, guts and viscera piled onto the floor.

Dry heaving, you push yourself away and try to blink back the tears. The lights flicker, dimming until the room is bathed in a strange red light. The body, his body, starts festering and rotting right before your very eyes, blood bubbling and spurting out of every new wound.

And then it starts crawling toward you! Your throat closes up as this half decomposed body starts clawing it's way across the floor over to you. With your back already up against the wall you can't go any further back and you can't stop your panicked thoughts long enough to even think about moving. You desperately wish for the wall to open and swallow you up as a hand grabs at your foot.

It's pulling itself up using your clothes and you let out a pitiful whine as it's face, Anti's face, turns up to look at you.

" H҉̖̗̪̪̳͓̤̣̘͈͍͇̰̞̺̙͝e̴͙͓̫̺̺̦͖l̨̝̫̱̘̞̤͚̗͕̩̰̳̰̕͠p̴̶̛̞̦̖͉͓̮͖̳̞͈̕ͅ ̡̰̳̼̘̀͘͜m̨̺̞̜̗͇̲̭̲͈̻͎̞̀͠͝͝é̡̪̠̘̖̼͇̲͙̝̞̠̤͕́͘ͅ-"

You can barely understand through all the static but somehow, some part deep inside you just understands.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I'm so-so sorry!" A sob bubbles up your throat and you don't try holding it back, finally letting go and openly crying.

He was dead, Anti was dead and it was all your fault, how did you let this happen, this was it, this was the end-

And suddenly you're back in bad, Spider straddling your waist and choking you mercilessly. His claws dig into your flesh and keep going, piercing and drawing blood. He's hissing at you, form shivering and glitching too fast for you to make out what you're even looking at.

You try to scream but you can't get enough air into your lungs, you're blacking out-

Then you really wake up. You're actually in bed, your real bed and you're screaming and thrashing and Anti is at your side in seconds. He shushes you, petting your arm in some attempt to calm you but all you can see when you look at him is those dead blank eyes. It's like you can almost smell it too and you find yourself retching over the side of the bed.

Anti grabs the bin and scoots it over to you just in time for you to throw up into it. Staying curled up over the edge of the bed, you sob loudly. Your whole body hurts and you're scared out of your mind but none of it compares to the pain in your heart from seeing Anti's body.

It's burned into the back of your eyelids and everytime you close your eyes you can see it in clear, horrifying detail.

Anti rubs your back hesitantly and, when you don't push him away, drapes an arm lightly over your shoulders. You don't have the strength to move, to cuddle up to him or push him away. So you stay wrapped around yourself, trying desperately to quiet your sobs that seem to echo in the quiet room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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