Chapter one. Forgivness

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Chapter 1:

* 2 months later *

Tekashi hated me, Haru and Yūrei where always together and Jade had gone. Yamato was dead and it was all my fault. Everyone hated me for it. I cried myself to sleep every night for the past 2 months but no one cared. Please let the pain end. I started to hurt again and the marks where plain to see. Tekashi used to stop me. But now there's no one. I looked into the mirror and tears streamed down my face.

"Please let the pain end" I sobbed

School again and the pain didn't stop there. Girls and boys pushed me about and brused my skin. I watched as Yūrei an Haru walked arm in arm with one another. Haru glanced at me and looked sad. I want my best friend. Tears streamed down my face as I was pushed into lockers Suddenly he let go of Yūrei and started walking over. He pushed through the crowd of people and Yūrei followed behind.

"Rei. We are sorry we turned on you. Please take my hand" Haru pleaded holding out his hand. I took it shaking and moved closer before anyone could hurt me again. No one said a word and Yūrei took my other hand trying to stop me shaking.

"Come on let's get you to the toilets we can clean you up there" she whispered. I stumbled down the hall and into the toilets where Haru locked the door and looked back.

"I-I am sorry" I whimpered dropping to the floor.

"It's ok" Haru replied helping me back up onto the side of the sink.

"I have a top in my bag would you like to borrow it.?" Yūrei smiled at me

"Yes....please" I smiled slightly. Haru turned away while I changed then turned back.

* lunch *

I walked alone to the music room and as I stepped in and shut the door I saw Tekashi. His eyes where bloodshot and he had his battered guitar in his hands. I straight away saw what he was looking at and that was the picture of me him and Yamato. We stuck it on as I was now part of there family. But it broke his heart and I knew it did on that eventful day.

I sat on the other side of the room and picked up a black acoustic guitar. Placing it around my shoulders I started to play a song. As the tune kicked in another guitar started with the same tune and soon there was words


Those scars on your wrists are the mark of the world,

An ocean that's left you so torn,

But remember the heart you brought into this world,

The same as the one you where born,

How confused you must be,

Finding love in the blood that you bleed,

But the truth is that I see,

When you say it's hard to be me,

And we all make mistakes,

It's not you but this world you should hate,

Your as beautiful as you where yesterday,

And thoughts tears in your eyes are the product of lies,

You've been lead to believe that they're true,

But remember the light you brought into this world,

I promise it will get you through,

How confused you must be,

Finding love in the blood that you bleed,

But the truth is that I see,

When you say it's hard to be me,

And we all make mistakes,

It's not you but this world you should hate,

Your as beautiful as you where yesterday," Tekashi sang as the song ended tears filled my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I stuttered looking up to him.

" I can't forget what happened Rei. It broke my heart. But equally so I can't not stop loving you. You hurt my feelings with my brothers death but I nearly killed you. It's changed my life that all that happened. But, I can't hate you forever. Your my girl after all" he smiled. I burst into tears and looked at him. Tekashi walked over and pushed the guitar aside. Stroking my cheek.

"I can't forgive you for my brothers death. But I promise I will still love the rest of you" he smiled kissing me. I looked up and saw Haru smiling through the door them walk away. Maybe life could get better.....?

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