Chapter 39: friends again

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Chapter 39:

Reiko's pov:

Silent screams ran through my ears like something really bad had happened. I shot up so quick my head smacked into Haru's and I flew back down onto the soft pillow below.

"I am so sorry Rei. I was putting water onto the bedside table for you and then you woke up. I must of knocked you. I am terribly sorry." He panicked holding my now bloody nose

"It's ok. I'm ok. Honest I am alive and breathing. I just need a tissue and I will be fine." I reassured before sitting up once more. My head hurt but apart from that I was ok. Looking to my arm I saw all the needle scabs but just ignored them and quickly grabbed a tissue from Haru's hand. The bleeding slowly stopped and I looked around to see the room was more clean and now had sun light entering it for once. Sighing in relief for once I got up and wandered to the side before face planting it. My hair was everywhere and my make up too.

"I see your just the same Reiko. Always tiered and drained" Haru chuckled before standing me onto my feet.

" no let me sleep!!" I whined pulling a pet lip

"Rei go get cleaned up. We have school in" he replied looking down to his watch

"30 minutes"

* school*

To be honest I didn't think school would be this good. Me, takashi- kun and Haru- sama all walked side by side together in our uniform. I missed this so much but still one person was missing. Yūrei. My stripy socks where pulled up high and my black skirt was mostly covered by my oversized black jumper, my NU rocks where clumping alone the floor as my zombie outbreak bad was slung low over my shoulder.

"Hey look It's Yūrei!" One boy shouted walking over to her. I didn't like the look of this so stepping forwards a little I watched as Yūrei was suddenly thrown across the corridor and into lockers. Throwing my bag to the side I ran in stepping in front of her and blocking the punch with my hand

"Touch her once more and you will have to go through me you little shits!" I snarled

"Oh really and what you gonna do about it!" The leader laughed. Before anything else was said I raised by leg back and in through his legs meeting his little friend. I cry of pain echoed through the halls as the boy dropped to his knees letting me tower him.

"Let's just get this straight. You come near her again or any of t friends I won't hesitate to put you in hospital next time. You may be bigger then me but some how I don't think your friend down there is the same" I snapped pulling Yūrei away from the crowds.

"R-Rei?" She stuttered as we slowly came to a halt

"What is it" I smiled turning to her


"Because Yūrei I'm not letting you get hurt. In sorry for everything that's happened and I wish I could take it all back. I wish you had never met me so in which case you wouldn't end up in a shit load of trouble. I'm so sorry this ever happened to you, to everyone. " I whispered as a tear fell from my eyes.

"Rei...?" She mumbled. I smiled and turned to face her

"I'm sick of crying,

Tired of trying,

Yes I am smiling,

But inside I'm dying. I just want you to be safe!" I cried. I was suddenly pulled into her and my arms wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me.... For everything" Yūrei whispered

"I forgive you. Do you forgive me?" I whispered back

"Always" was the reply

I learnt never to give up on the people closest to me

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