Chapter 37: i didnt know you where triplets

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Chapter 37:

Tekashi's pov:

I couldn't find Rei anywhere. I looked for hours but still nothing. I passed Skylah but still she didn't even know. I was positive Issie would know so off I went to find him.

"Issie where's Reiko I can't find her! " I called to Issie as I ran up to him

"Erm.... She hasn't showed up to training for the past two days Tekashi. I don't know where she is myself" he replied back. My heart sank as I realised I could have lost her too.

"Ok well if you see her. Please just tell her to find me. And quick" I sighed as my heart started to beat fast. Turning away Issie grabbed my arm suddenly and turned me around quickly and pushed me into a wall.

"If my little sis is hurt or dead don't be surprised if the same thing happens to you" Issie whispered in a threatening manner.

"Just back off, Jesus your like her phyco brother" i snapped pushing him back. Walking off once more I headed back to the hut to see if Rei had showed up there. On the way I passed Yūrei's. Looking to the main window I caught a pale looking Yūrei watching me. I smiled at her but she just watched a little more before disappearing back into the ibis also known as her hut. Would she ever come out!?! I sighed and looked back before stopping in my tracks as screams filled my ears with panic and alarm. Was it Reiko!?! I had to know so ran in the direction it was echoing from. Edging ever closer to it Haru's hut came into view. Was she in there!?!

"Haru open up now!" I yelled slamming my fists against the door. I heard muffled sounds emulating from inside before the door opened to reveal a happy go luck~ Haru. Barging past him I entered the main room to find nothing.

"Where is she!?!" I yelled pining Haru up against a wall. He just smiled at me before replying

"I don't know where Reiko is. I haven't seen her in days"

"Don't play dumb fucking games with me you obnoxious dick. Where the frick is she. Tell me now or I swear I won't hesitate to kill you in an instance!" I snapped lifting him off the wall and throwing him to the floor. Landing there a few seconds later Haru then looked up at me once more with a smirk.

"Tekashi I don't know where she is. Why would I. After all she's better off alone. She needs to know the pain I suffered to understand anything. So please get out of my hut. Before I kill you!" He yelled getting up and pushing me away. I stumbled back into a cupboard door then falling forwards the door flew open. A loud thump was echoed throughout the hut. Turning round I saw blood with a needled body.

"R-Reiko....?" I stuttered falling to my knees. Pulling her into me I looked up to Haru. Tears fell from his face as he knelt down to my hight

"I-I needed her to know the pain of losing someone so important. I need he to feel what it was like taking thoughts things and having the burning sensation I did" Haru stuttered before he checked Reiko's pulse.

"Don't touch her you did this. She's all high up in the sky. She doesn't know where the fuck she's at.!" I cried looking down to her

"Hahah Tekashi you have a funny face. It's all massive. I didn't know you where triplets" Reiko giggled with her pupils dilating more.

"Haru please don't do it to anyone. It's not her fight" I whispered stroking Reiko's head sending her into a dazed slumber.

Why the frick did he do this. He's going to pay and I swear I will be the one to kill him!

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