Chapter 11: they're hear

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Chapter 11:

Tekashi's pov:

This wasn't looking good. Rei ran to the door but it wouldn't budge then the floor started shaking again. I ran over to her and puller her away and under a table again so the rubble would fall but not hit her. However, the walls around us started to crumble and soon we where submerged under rubble. I hear the table started to crack and it broke landing in my head. Rei had her eyes closed and keeping tight hold of me. I took the impact but still stayed of Rei for her to stay safe. At this rate the whole school is going to be ablitterated. Soon it died down. I felt my heart race as there where shouts and screams from all around us. It sent fear into me. Had they killed people. Rei's arms dropped from my waist to see she was looking up to me.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Yes. Your not the table hit you" she whimpered.

"I'm ok" I replied. I started pushing the table of my back and it flew off. I sat up and pulled Rei into my arms.

"It's ok. Where not hurt. Don't worry I'm fine your fine." I whispered into her ear. I was violently pushed back and Rei just out of my arms. I watched as she ran from me to where Yūrei and Haru where. Shit.....

Reiko's pov:

I ran to see Haru and Yūrei fighting. There was blood everywhere and I could smell the stench of alcohol. I ran in front of Haru and put my arms up to block Yūrei's punch. It hit the top of my stomach and winded me. I crippled over an held my stomach in pain.

"R-Rei" Haru stuttered.

"Leave him alone" I growled to Yūrei

"Why should I. He's supposed to love me and he loves you. Everyone does" she screamed

"I don't love him and he doesn't love me. He's my best friend Yūrei I don't want to see him hurt. I admit. I love him. But as my best friend nothing else. Please don't hurt him. He loves you so much but you can't see it" I yelled

"I am going to kill you" Yūrei smirked launching at me her scythe appeared in her and and she swung it cutting into my stomach. I screamed out in pain an fell to the floor

"Your so week" she laughed

"You think" I replied back pulling out my gun. I pulled the trigger and a gold bullet pierced through the air and hit her shoulder. Blood splatted onto the floor and rubbled walls. I watched as Yūrei fell to her knees and screamed out in agony before her head met the floor

"Rei stop" Haru and Tekashi yelled as both stepped in front of me and Haru. I watched as Yūrei was lifted into Haru's arms and taken away to the medical room. But still something didn't feel right. I sat up and pulled some bandages out of my bag. Tying them round my stomach I stood up a little shaky and hugged Tekashi.

"Don't do that again please" he whispered into my ear.

"I promise" I replied looking over his shoulder. Them!!....

I pushed Tekashi out of the way as two knives where thrown. The first one missing my body by inches then the second hitting me in the shin. I yelled out and made sure not to attract any attention though.

"Rei shit No!" Tekashi yelled but was stopped when a water prison was suddenly rose around him. I turned my body back round and found chi and Keiichi only a few meters in front of me. This wasn't good. Not good at all....

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