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Cheryl's POV:

"Come on then babe! Let's go in." I help Kimberley out of the car, the medication making her mentally and physically tired.

"I can do it Chez, i'm ok." She whispers as we make our way in to Sarah's new country house where she's holding a house warming party.

"Ok babe." I softly reply, seeing the restless look on her face and knowing to back off.


We've been at the party a few hours and Kimberley insisted i left her alone for a while and that i didn't have to be with her every single minute of the day. I'm glad she thinks she can do this but i need her to know, she's not alone. I need her to know that i'm the strong one this time and i'm the one who'll look after her.

"Have you seen Kimba, Nads?"

"She's with Sarah, why? Everything ok?"

"Yeah, i just wanted to know if everything's ok. I know Sarah can be a bit full on and Kimberley gets tired easily."

"She'll tell Sarah if she's tired, she'll be ok."

"I know but-"

"Listen babe, stop worrying. If she wants you to back off, give her space and she might realise she'll need you more. Let her come to you, come and have a drink with me and Nic." I nod as she takes my hand and the drinks, leading me back towards Nicola.

"Right, get this down you and then there's a cocktail! Relax babe." I take the shot and down it before looking out where i can see Kimberley chatting away to some guests with Sarah, a tired smile on her face.

"Oi Chez! Leave her, she's fine!"

"Look at her! She's tired, i need to go see if she's ok." Pulling away from Nadine's hand and swiftly leaving the table, i approach them with a smile. I give a polite smile and take Kimberley's hand as she excuses herself.

"You feeling alright? You look a bit tired-"

"Chez, i'm fine."

"You sure? Just say when you want to go to bed?"

"I will but i'm ok. Stop worrying!" This time she takes my hand and leads me over to Nadine and Nicola.


Most of the guests have left by now and it's just us girls who are staying over at Sarah's.

"Do you want to go up?" I ask Kimberley who's eyes are looking exhausted.

"No, i'm fine."

"You look tired."

"Yeah, well i'm fine." I go to ask again but she cuts me off abruptly.

"For god sake Cheryl, i'm fine! Stop treating me like a child all the time! It's so frustrating!" She shouts, bringing the girls attention to us.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I just- I wanted to know if you was ok."

"Yeah and i said i was fine several times so why can't you just leave it?!"

"Because half the time, you're not fine and you're not ok! You're ill Kimberley and you're not slowing anything down!"

"Why should i slow down?! I've got a month left and you're telling me to slow down?! Least when i pass, i may get some peace and quiet away from you." She screams and storms away as i stand in shock. Has she really just said that? Before i can take in anything else, i feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and the girls rush over immediately.

"She won't have meant it babe, she's just a bit stressed lately." Nicola comments, wiping away my tears as i feel my lip quivering and before i know it, i'm hysterical.

"I can't keep doing this- being strong for her-. I can't. Not when she acts like she does. I love her so much and i just want her to let me treat her like she deserves to be." I sit down on the floor, my legs giving up on me. The girls all continue to try and comfort me.

"I don't need all the fuss and trouble, i need reality. I need a normal life." Kimberley's voice echoes through the room as the girls all step back.

"But you're weak, you're tired, you're dying Kimberley." I whisper, almost talking to myself, finally coming to terms with trying to accept it. She runs towards me and sits down, pulling me into her arms.

Kimberley's POV:

"I know baby but you'll be ok." I whispers as the girls watch over, silently wiping away their tears.

"No, i won't. Kimberley i can't be without you, i won't. You can't leave me."

"I'll never leave you, i'll be here, i'll listen." She sobs harder into my chest, the thought of her hurting when i'm gone is killing me inside.

"I'll never be able to wake up next to you, kiss you, hold your hand, cuddle you. I'm not ready yet, i'm not ready to say goodbye."

"You don't have too, ok? Definitely not now and not next month, we don't say goodbye remember."

"I'll see you soon?" When i got told i had months to live, we'd gone through the same process but opposite. She'd held me in her arms and whispered words of comfort and hope and she told me we won't ever say goodbye. We'll say 'see you soon' because goodbye means you're gone forever and i can't handle that, reality or not.

"I love you so much, ok? You're so strong and you'll get the happy ending you want Cheryl-"

"My happy ending was with you, it always will be with you."

"If it's not happy then it's not the end."

"Then how come in a months time, it's going to be the end. I'll never be happy without you Kimba."

I don't reply to that.

I don't know how too.

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