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Cheryl's POV:

The ambulance turned up a few minutes ago and claimed they would lose her for sure if they drove all the way back to the hospital. So as i sit, staring at my Kimberley's body, been touched, poked, shocked and shaked as they try to cling on to the last bit of life she has.

It took them a while to even move me as i refused to give her up, to let them take her from my arms as the situation would become all too real.

"She'll make it, don't you worry." Nadine whispers as i chew my finger nails, sat down on the floor with her arms wrapped around me.

"No." I suddenly shout.

"Stop, Nadine she wanted this. She wanted this, it was her last wish and she wanted it to end this way. Leave her, leave her in peace!" I cry as the paramedics carry on, trying to bring her back.

"Cheryl, don't give up on her! Come on."

"She gave up on herself Nadine, there's nothing more we can do." I shrug my shoulders as Nadine looks at me in disbelief as we hear the paramedics shout.

"STEVE! I'M GETTING SOMETHING!" They rush around her body as two more paramedics arrive, not that it bothers me.

"She's gonna pull through this." Sarah whispers as i turn towards the door.

"You're just making her unhappy." I walk out leaving the chaos behind.


I've spent hours sat in silence, thinking. Where do i go from here?

"Cheryl? Hey." Nicola's scouse accent echoes round the room.


"How you doing?" I shrug, my cheeks already becoming wet with tears.

"What am i gonna do Nicola? Where do i go from here?"

"What do you mean babe? Kimberley's not gone yet, they think she's gonna pull through."

"So we're gonna put her through another pain filled few weeks, watching her suffer for her to just die?"

"You can't give up on her. You can't. She's giving up on herself and already you're letting her slip away. Get her to fight!" I feel her wipe my tears away before pulling me up as the paramedics along with a very distressed Sarah and Nadine come down the stairs with a delirious Kimberley laid on a stretcher, the side of her left cheek covered in her sick.

"Come on, you're a soldier." Nicola whispers before i join her in the back of the ambulance, sliding my hand into Kimberley's and getting a gentle squeeze in return.


Kimberley's laid up in bed, finally resting and i haven't left her side, not once and i don't plan on doing so.

"Mmmm." She murmurs coming round from her four hour long sleep.

"Hey you." I whisper as she groans, Sarah going to alert a doctor that she's awake.

"What's- what- Cheryl?"

"It's ok babe, you're in hospital."

"It didn't work then..." She murmurs and i stand up in frustration, making her immediately look at me.

"How dare you?! How dare you even attempt something like this?!"

"I'm sick of waiting Cheryl, you know why i wanted this."

"I know you're suffering Kimberley, i know it's hard but you want to die with dignity?" She nods her head, running her hands through her shoulder length hair.

Broken Strings- ChimTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon