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Cheryl's POV:

"She left you this babe." Nadine passes me an envelope with my name wrote across in Kimberley's writing. Still in disbelief, i rip open the letter and scan over the words.

Hey gorgeous!

I knew i'd have to write you a letter, not because it's the least i owe you but because i knew you wouldn't believe the girls.

Yes, i've gone for the treatment and i know you'll hate me but i did it for you. I promise it was for you.

I love you so much, more than you'll probably ever know. Don't think about the negatives, i'll be back before you know it.

See you very soon.

Your Kimba.


No. This can't be happening.

I drop the letter from my hands, tears rolling down my cheeks as i jump out of my seat and grab Nadine's phone, searching Kimberley's name quick as possible.

"This is the Vodafone Voicemail service for 079-"

I cut it off, continuing to ring four more times but being met by the same automated voice message.

"Please tell me this is a joke, she hasn't gone?! She's gonna walk through that door right now, right? Right?!" Receiving three sympathetic looks and a quick shake of the head, i feel myself fall to the floor in hysterics.

"She can't, she- she promised me..." The girls gather me in their arms, letting me cry out all my emotions.


Nadine drove me home, offering to come with me as well as the girls for support. Straight away i walk to our wardrobe, seeing some of Kimberley's clothes missing. I grab a jumper of hers and slide it on, letting it drown my petite figure before falling back on to the bed, emotionally exhausted.

I feel someone crunch underneath my head, feeling around i pull a pack of letters from beside the pillow and see 'Open me when...' wrote on each letter.

Open me when... you first recieve these letters.

Open me when... you're missing me.

Open me when... you're having a bad day.

Open me when... i'm home.

Open me when... i don't come home.

Open me when... you can't sleep.

Open me when... you're overthinking

Open me when... you need a cuddle.

I immediately open the 'Open me when... you first receive these letters' and see the cute picture of us both on the front of the card before opening it:

'I'm sure you're laughing and cringing at how cheesy i am right now but if i can't physically be with you to fill you with my cheesy self then letters and words will have to do.

Anyway i thought this was a very cute idea to do and at least take the pain away a little but hey missus?! You must do it properly and not open any before it's time, we all know how impatient you can be!

So i love you lots and lots my gorgeous girlfriend. I miss you more and more and i promise i will see you soon.

Stay strong for me baby.

PS: I hope you've found these as soon as possible, i should have put them infront of the kettle really.'

Well aware of the girls watching me, i sit wiping my tears away with a sad smile on my face as i look around at the typically Kimberley decorated paper. Love hearts and stick men drawn around the words.

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