Chapter 8: Slendy to the rescue

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We continue running, getting to where I think the door was. My hands search for any sign of it. Shit, that run felt like an hour. My legs and arms are weak, I can barely move.

'Dan...' Masky worries. I glance over my shoulder and see Slendy gaining on us. Great.

I think of all the times I have played this game. No trees have low branches, the houses are creepy and confusing and one wrong turn in the maze leads you to a dead end. I go to the beginning of the maze, which has high vertical walls. Masky and I sit back to back so slendy won't sneak up on us. We can run if we need to.

After about half an hour a voice appears. I feel Masky tense beside me as we realize its slendy. He speaks quickly and I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Don't die. Jeff hacked the game and is trying to kill you both. Thats all I can tell you. The door is locked. Stay safe while I debug it." His voice was quick and worrying, meaning he's having trouble fixing it. I think it was the good slendy but you can never be sure. Another voice comes on, and I realize its the other slenderman. This one speaks slowly, like it's savoring each syllable. Its voice is smooth and calm.

"You are doomed to fail. Come to me and I will make your death quick and painless." Is all he says. He thinks we are going to die. Without having a second throught I wrap my arms around Masky and tell him it's going to be alright. That we are going to be ok. I think it's more to will on myself, but I keep on whispering it. After about 5 mins I let go and lead him like a little kid to the wall with the door. I try pushing it. It won't budge.

Masky looks at me questionably, but then focuses on watching for slendy. I run my fingers over the tiny cracks. I think I would be able to stick in my fingernails. Just before I do Masky screams. I know who it is before I whip my head around to confirm it. 3 black tentacles shoot towards us. Two towards Masky, so I push him out of the way before they take him. The tentacles wrap around my arms and waist, so I kick out with my feet. They slowly draw me towards his face. The third tentacle is battling with Masky.

"Well well well, it's Dan. I know things you want. I know the things you will get. And I want you to know I'm not happy with them. who is that boy..? Jack is his name." He slowly nods. What the fuck, what's going to happen between Jack and I? 'I am going to let you live. but I will control someone in this house and there knife might just slip...' He drops me and grabs Masky, ready to rip him to pieces. He starts whispering to him an I decide I have some time. It takes a while but I find the door, shove my long nails into the cracks and yank the door open. With a loud creak it gives, only just enough to slip through. Masky managed to escape, and is backing away from slenderman, so I wrap my arm around his stomach and drag him through the door. Just as I slam it shut, Slendy wacks his tentacles on it but doesn't break through.

"Well that was fucking fun" Then masky passes out from exhaustion. Footsteps echo through the halls so I lean over masky proactively, one one leg each side, my face and arms to the left. I hold my own and his knife.

Slendy, Jack and Jeff run around the corner. Seeing slendy sends a wave of anger through me, so I throw my knife at him, and it lands right beside his head. When I calm they start to walk slowly towards me. The adrenaline from the moment wears off and my arm drops, my eyes grow heavy and I feel drowsy. My legs are aching, and my head still hurts. Slendy tends to masky as I slump against the wall. Jack sits besides me and gives me his hoodie as a pillow. I accept it gratefully and slip into sleep...

I wake to Jack beside my bed. I think he is sleeping, but I can never tell when he has his mask on. I make a slight groan and he wakes instantly.

"Good morning." I can tell his face light up behind the mask. "Everyone is downstairs. Go see them. Sally has been asking for you." I manage to get up and dressed, my legs burning whenever I move. Everyone is sitting round the table eating lunch.

"What time is it?" I groan. Slendy lifts up his head and replies.

"Quarter past one. Lunch time. Your plate is next to Jack's." Then he adds "I hope a cucumber and cheese wrap with a little mayonnaise is sufficient. I have been told its your favourite." I give him a strange look but go to sit down. I spot Jeff and anger fills my body.

"What the fuck was that?" I run towards him, grab his neck and pin him up against the wall. His feet barely touch the ground, and I can feel his blood struggling to pump up to his brain. "Why did you do that? You and masky are supposedly family! What the fuck is wrong with you that you feel the need to put the both of us in serious danger?"

His head begins to droop, showing he is about to pass out. I see tears streaming down his face out of pain and sorrow. I drop him to the ground, and he cradles his neck and coughs, taking huge shaky breaths. "Dick." I mutter under my breath.

"I'm going to visit home. If we are going to keep up this whole 'I'm innocent' thing, I should visit home to see what's going on." Slender man seems to agree

"We'll have to keep tabs on you, in case the police come to arrest you."

"Well, they think I'm staying at a friends, so if some of you guys visit dressed as normal people then we should be ok." I answer after thinking for a shower while. Slendy nods, and I go grab my phone from my room. "I wont be gone for too long, maybe a day or two. Come round tonight, yeah?"

Jack and Sally agree to. Jeff left the room to recover from his injury on the white sofas. He can give it but cant take it, the pussy.

Happily Murdered (a Jeff the Killer fanfic) (to be edited)Where stories live. Discover now