Chapter 18:Crazy dreams

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"Dan!" I scream as I wake in my house.

Maybe it was all a sick nightmare? I start to convince myself. But the blood was so real... I remember it so vividly... The pain was intense... and Dan...

No one must know of this dream. I would probably be chucked in a loony bin.

They say the worst dreams stick with you... so I guess this is normal?

I get up and get dressed. I go to look in my full mirror, but see it's gone. Mum must FINALLY be getting me a proper one which isn't covered in scratches.

I walk downstairs to get breakfast, I can already smell something good.

"Mum I'm up!" I yell from the living room. "Mum?"

"In here." A deep male voice says. I cautiously walk to the kitchen, grabbing my brothers baseball bat on the way. This isn't a familiar voice. Maybe my brother has a friend over..?

In the kitchen stands a tall, strong male. He has a blue mask over his face. Brown hair puffs out in all directions. He looks over at me and I see his face widening, he must be smiling.

He's one of them from the dream.

"Jack..?" I whisper

"Yeah Jeff?" He says as he butters some bread.

"Who-How do you know my name?" I stutter at him. In my dream we had been living together for years, so it was kind of a stupid question.

"Jeff? Are you ok?" He says slowly.

"This is wrong... Where is mum? Dad? My Brother?"

"Jeff - you killed them."

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did, you killed your mum when she called your scars ugly, your dad when he screamed and your brother because he witnessed it."

"No, that was a dream! It wasn't real." My body is shaking wildly. Is it true? do I have it in me to slaughter my own flesh and blood?

"Slendy!" Jack screams as I lift my bat. He runs out the door and I follow him.

"Jeff!" I hear a child and a girl scream at the same time. "Jeff wake up!" I think I hear the girl yell.

My vision swirls for a few seconds. What is happening? My eyes focus and I see the girl. Dan.

She is wearing a white coat and glasses. She shakes a pot of pills.

"Time to take your medicine Jeff!" I squirm away from her and try to wake from this dream. But...

~~~Dans POV~~~

Jeff went crazy today. He was hiding my new house when we found him. He was screaming about me, saying he doesn't want his medicine.

Slendy promise me that this has happened before, and soon he will come to his scenes. Jack takes me to him. He sits in the room and I start doing something completely unexpected.

I begin to sing.

"Hush little baby, your almost dead.

You have no pulse, your pillow is red.

Your family hates you,

Your friends let you bleed

Sleep tight with a knife it's all you need.

Rock-a-by baby, broken and scarred.

You never knew that life was this hard." Tears start streaming down my eyes. I look up and see Jack starring at me.

"Oh c'mon, I wasn't that bad." I stand to leave, then hear the last two lines sing.

"Time to end the pain you hid so well,

Then you'll go, baby, straight down to hell." I turn and expect jack, but it was jeff.

He sits up and looks at me. The. He sings again, in the same tune:

"Hush, my baby, don't you cry.

Don't cut your wrists and don't say goodbye.

Put down the razor, put down that knife.

It may be hard but you'll win this fight."


Both poems were by Mrs_Creepy_Pasta, aka eyeless Anna. she is my favourite storyteller/ranter/ I really love her books, please go and follow her!


"Jeff?" I ask cautiously.

"I'm back." He says. He pushes past me and starts to talk to Slendy outside.

A person walks through the portal.

"Who's that?" I yell to no one in particular.

"Laughing Jack!" Sally and Ben yell as they run away from him. I wonder what that was all about...

"That's Laughing Jack. He's like us, but he doesn't like living with Slendy." Mrs. P answers.

"What's his story?" I ask her back

"No one knows for sure. It changes now and then. But we do know one thing." She points behind him and I see many small shadows exiting the woods. Then I realise that are children, but they seem to have trouble walking. "He kills and disfigured young children and make them his slaves - or Broken as he calls them.

Laughing Jack is walking towards Mrs. P and I.

"New recruit?" He grin gets wider as he says this.

"Lj, we are not suppose to talk about that!" Mrs P hisses at him.

"Well well well, what do we have here." He moves in close to me. I keep my face angry and fold my arms over my chest. He towers over me by at least a six inches. he bends down and puts two long, scrawny arms on his knees so his face is only centimetres from mine. "Your a pretty young thing, aren't you? Could Jeff hold himself back?" His black eyes search mine but I keep my plain blank face. Bully's have hardly ever broken me, why should one perv be able to? "I'll take that as a no then. Lucky you." He skips to a nearby house and the 'Broken' trail behind him.

I counted 16 children following him. All have a part of their body ripped open, some have their stomachs, some arms, some legs, some have guts trailing behind them, one or two have their faces completely demolished. One has been completely ripped in half, it's spine wiggling like a tail behind it. I almost throw up, but Mrs. P keeps her cool.

"Oh no." Slendy says as he spots Laughing Jack skipping around, with a trail of young kids following him. "this is bad."

"Why?" I ask

"Jack and Jack... don't get on." He pauses a moment, then lifts an arm as if about to continue.

"Three years ago, we had a fight over wether the Broken should be killed or kept as slaves." Jacks deep voice makes me jump. "They aren't alive, but their souls can't travel on into whatever is next until they re-die or LJ releases them. Which he won't do.

"Now, whenever we are together something bad happens."

"How bad?" I question him.

"Let's just say, last time we crossed paths Jeff's girlfriend got possessed by Lucifer and joined forces with the expressionless and Jane."

"Wow." I widen my eyes and try to think of a suitable thing to say next. "He sounds like a man whore." Jack and Slendy laugh at this. "Hey, um Laughing Jack said something about a 'New Recruit'. what does that mean?"

"It was Marcelines nickname. I gave it to her." Jeff says behind me. His voice makes me jump. "Let's go, princess."

I think, maybe one day in the future, Jeff fucked up another girls life and is leaving mysterious trails about girls he liked.

But he better not like you The voice whispers

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask under my breath.

But it doesn't answer, just sinks back into its little cancerous hole in my soul.

Happily Murdered (a Jeff the Killer fanfic) (to be edited)Where stories live. Discover now