Past memory~

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I walked through Ponyville looking at all the ponies. Was this how life would be if I wasn't here? Town was filled with happy Ponies....they didn't have to worry about a killer trying to turn them into I regret everything I did....of course.....I once believed mankind was evil and bad but now.....this world.....I'm still not gonna forget what the Slave Owner did! But.....could other people and ponies.....actually be nice.....while I was walking a noticed two ponies looking at me....I looked back at them....they hind.....I couldn't blame them....I would hide himself to with I I walk....I two other ponies were following me....I peek was sliver and the other was pink....I narrowed my eyes....I walked a little fast...they kept following....I walk into the forest and stop walking. They were hiding behind I tree....

Pinkamena: We can talk here!!!

I peek at the tree.

Pinkamena: Or is there something else you want....Joey and Noli.....

They came out of the shadows.....

I narrowed my eyes again.

Pinkamena: Should of know you would find way in my dream....

Joey: Well....if you didn't tell us to meet you here we weren't!

Noli: Hush Joey!

I sighed.

Pinkamena: Promise me you won't tell anyone.....

Noli: We promise....

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Pinkamena: I was only five when it happened....I was working on a Rock Farm in the Middle East. My Slave Owner was horrible....he whipped us all the time! That one day.....

I started crying.

Pinkamena: I lost my mom and dad to him!

Joey's and Noli's faces were full of horror.

Pinkamena: That was the day I came to hate humanity......I thought....if Mankind did this to my family....I would have my revenge......I didn't let myself feel anything but anger after that day....until....I meet Joey....I felt so many feelings and I hated it! I all could think was....I wanted to kill him. But....inside....I wanted to become his friend....I was scared to let that side show! I promised myself I wouldn't show any weakness! Then....I meet his sister......I felt then same thing I felt with Joey and.....that almost killed me.....

I cried harder.

Pinkamena: I don't know what to feel anymore!!

I cried and cried.

Joey's mouth was open. He then walked over to me and nuzzled me. I wanted to pushes him away but....I couldn't....soon.....Noli joined us...they put their wings around me like they were hugging me.....I cried like a child.....I then wiped my tears away.

Pinkamena: I'm sorry!

Joey looked at me.

Joey: Its ok Pinkamena....

He kept his wing on me.

I put my head on his chest and looked down at the ground. Then...I started to wake up.....

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