Talking to Joey/ The GoodBye

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It's been over five days since I got to "The My Little Pony World" I was sitting by the lake Noli took me to the day we first met. It was weird.....I had confessed my past to the two people I wanted to was like....letting a get burned off my chest....I felt lighter then ever.....I could drift in sky and never come down......I took a deep breath and let it out. For once in my life I felt.....happy and...relaxed....I smiled a little bit.....this was new to was a all this what it felt like to be human? To have the weight of the Earth my shoulders is....amazing.....then...I felt Joey's aura....

Joey: Sorry to brother seemed calm...

I smiled.

Pinkamena: I am calm....I been relaxing since I told you....

Joey looks at me like I have three heads!

I raise a eyebrow at him.

Pinkamena: What?

Joey: I'm just not uses to this new Pinkamena.....I'm uses to the killer one.....

I look hurt....

Joey blushes.

Joey: S-sorry! I-I didn't mean it!

I look down.

Joey sighed.

I bit my lip. Did he miss us fighting? Suddenly....Joey put his wing around me and pulled me close. I looked at him shocked.

Joey: I'm sorry.....I honestly didn't mean it.....I.....I don't miss that part of you or's just....I never got to see a different part of you....well until were always.....cold hearted.....and unwilling to let anyone in......we both wanted the other one died you......I also wished that we could be friends.....

My eyes were tearing up. I put my head on his shoulder.

Pinkamena: Joey?

Joey: Yeah.....?

I bit my lip again.

Pinkamena: I-I'm Sorry.....

Joey looked at me. He nuzzled me.

Joey: I forgive you.....hey....let's go our world....

I look at him in shock.

Joey: I would really want to show people this Pinkamena!

Pinkamena: They weren't care.....they wouldn't let me in.....

Joey looked at me in shock.

Joey: I will show them that your not a threat....I will have friends there!

I almost cried. I never thought my worst Enemy would be here to help me. We looked at the lake. It was so beautiful!

Pinkamena: Where's Noli? I thought you two were gonna hangout....

Joey: Well....I decided to look for she was hanging with Rarity....she wanted me to put on a blue suit.....I mean....what is up with girls and dressing up?

I couldn't help but laugh.

Pinkamena: Geez! Your such a boy!

He blushes and looks away. I look back at the view. I sighed.

Pinkamena: Can you believing for three years.....we been fighting...


Pinkamena: It doesn't seem real.....I mean....the way I was acted....

I looked down.

Joey tightly his wing around me.

Pinkamena: I feel so great burned in my heart has disappeared.....but every time I think about it....

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