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Ryan's Pov
Goldy, Sabre, and Unicorn man has been really on to me lately. They make sure I don't have anything that can hurt me.
I'am still kinda heart broken, but I learned to live with it.
Sometimes I wish me and Tina can be back together, but in the same time I wish me and Sabre will be together.

I came home from daycare and went to my room, I layed on my bed, and just looking up at the celling.
A few hours later, it was 7:00 and I heard my mom and dad come home aguring. I left my room, and went on top of the stairs so I can listen what were they arguing about.

Mom: Well not my fault!!
Dad: Haven't you notice Ryan lately?!?!!
Mom: Of course I've noticed, you think I haven't tried helping him?!!
Dad: I guess you didn't try hard enough!!
Mom: Oh!!! And have you tried?!?!
Dad: Yes!!!!
Mom: Then don't blame on me!!!
Mom: And be greatful I to wake up at 2 in the morning just to go to work so you can't have all the weight on your back!!!! Cause clearly you can't do it yourself!!!!

I had enough of them fighting for non-important things. So I left my hiding spot and confronted them.

Ryan: Why are you guys fighting for non-important stuff!?
Mom: Please sweetie, go to your room. This is between me and your dad.
Ryan: No mom!!! I had enough of you guys fighting!!!
Ryan: Dad, your never greatful for what mom does for this family!!!!
Dad: I-I....
Ryan: And mom!!! You can't have one day without telling dad how he can't do his job right!!!!
I had enough of this!!!

Then I started walking towards the door.

Mom: R-Ryan? Where are you going?
Ryan: Somewhere I can't hear you guys fight!!!!

Then I left the house.

Sooooooo sorry this is a short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer. Also sorry if I didn't update sooner, I just have alot of things to do and no time to write.
Leave your opinion on this chapter in the comments.
See you guys later hopeful with a longer chapter.

~Primrose_the_second 🌹

Was This Really Supposes To Happen  SabrexRyan Fanfic [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now