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Ryan's Pov
I was face to face to this huge wolf who looked like he can tear my apart in on bite. Then this huge wolf got a hold of my leg, and started biting it. He was shaking it left to right like it was a toy.
I never felt so much pain in my life. Then he pulled on my leg, which caused me to fall back. I was just screaming in pain and trying get my leg out his darn disgusting mouth.
Then the rest of the pack wanted to join in, so they grabed my other leg.
At this point, it was so much pain, I just blacked out.

End of Pov

Mom's Pov
It's been hours since Ryan left the house, and me and Mark (The dad) were looking for Ryan all night.

~Two weeks later~

It been two weeks since Ryan has gone missing.
The police will come by if found any clues. Also, Ryan's friends will come every weekend to see if there was any sign of Ryan.
Every night, I will have flashbacks of the night I lost Ryan. I can never sleep because I can't stop thinking of Ryan.

If only we never started fighting, Ryan would have never left. I feel so ashamed of myself. I turned around to see a picture of Ryan, Alfred (The dad), and me. Only if two were here.


just see Ryan running out of the house. Then Alfred [Ryan's dad] chasing after him. Then I see Ryan still running around the block. But then I felt someone push me. I heard screeching. I turn around to see Alfred on the ground with a pool of blood around him. I scream at the sight.
Next I know is that I'm in a hospital covered with blood and waiting for the doctor to tell anything about Alfred.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but your husband lost too much blood and we-"
Hearing this made cry. Not only did my one and only son ran away not knowing were the hell he is... but I also lost the love of my life.
~End of Flashback~

~1 week later~

It's been 3 weeks with no sign of Ryan. I been looking for him day and night. My boss was kind enough to let me have days off so I can find him. It felt like a piece of my heart has been yanked out my hands and out of reach.

Ryan's Pov
I wake up to see that I'm in a bed with bandages on both of my legs. My sight was still kinda fuzzy, but I was able to see a guy fixing the bandages on my leg. I guess he saw my wake because he smiled at me and waved at someone to come over. It was a woman. She put her cold hands on my cheek. I finched and the touch but I just relaxed. Then they started whispering to each other, but it sound like they were screaming at my ears. I put my hands on my ears, but then I felt something on my head. I started touching what it was. The felt like a pair of wolf ears. Then I look down and see that I have a orange brown colored tail. I started to panic. The lady and the man looked at me, and went to comfort me. I was relaxing a bit, but still shooked at what I saw.
"What the heck happened?" I asked with a little panic in my voice.
"Well ummm..." The lady started,then looked at the man.
"You been out for about 3 weeks an-"
I didn't let the man finsh his sentence.
"Sweetie, calm down."
"How?! My mom must by worry sick!"
Then the woman put her hand on my mouth. The couple looked at the door. All you can hear were gunshots.
The sound of the gun made me sick and made my head hurt like hell. I curled into a ball and tried to cover my hears. Then the woman saw me and hugged me, while rubbing circles on my back with her hand.
"Are the gone?"
"Looks like it."
The man said while carefully peeking through the window and the woman still hugging me.
"What's happening?"
I was in the verge of tears.
Then I heard a sudden gunshot whitch scared the heck out me.
I didn't know what was happening until I saw the man with a neddle. I slowly back away and fell of the bed to only realize that I turned into a wolf pup.
[He is a pup because he is still a kid]
Then the woman got hold of me and drew me closer to the guy. I tried to get out of her grasp because one, I hate needles. And two, who knows what type of chemical is inside that neddle.
Thr guy injected me with it which caused me to go limb and pass out.

Hopefully this enough to interest you guys.
Sorry I left, I was just really busy. But I'm back baby.

~Primrose_the_second 🌹

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