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"Please just calm down" "How!? He's been missing for 3 weeks! How do you expect me to calm down?!"

Sabre was pacing back and forth in his room stress out of his mind.

"Unicorn man is trying to find him, just calm down." I tried to make voice calming, but it was hard because I was also very worried. "I can't Goldy! I can't just sit here like everything is okay when it's not!"

His voice cracked and he was now on the verge of tears.

"Hey bud, it's going to be okay..."

He sat next me putting his hand on his face and I was able to hear him cry. I put his head on my shoulder and stared to rub his back.


After a while, Sabre fell asleep. So I just let him have some rest since he wasn't able to sleep for the past weeks. I went to Unicorn's basement to see if he found anything.

"Hey Unicorn..." "Oh, hey Goldy..." He whispered a respond.

"Found anything?" I asked "No... I just can't seem to figure it out!" His eyes stilled glued to the computer while typing something.

"Do you think we wi-..." I tried to ask but I was interrupted "GOT IT!!!... Got to go Goldy!!!" And with that, he grabbed his bag and left running.


I finally got a clue. I was outside the daycare getting something from my bag. I took out a green orb and threw it on the floor.

"Looks like it took me to a forest..."

I started to walk around being cautions with my soundings.


I heard someone yell. I went to area where I thought I heard the yelling. It turned out to be a guy, I think he went hunting for deer or something. He was just looking at a puddle of blood.

"Looks like it got away " I thought to myself.

I just kept on walking hoping to find him. I came across a wolf running away, we both made eye contact. Something inside was telling me to follow it and I might find Ryan. But I walked the other way.

I was still walking until I felt something staring at me. I turned around to see the same wolf. I just shrugged it off and continued. An hour passed and this wolf was still following me. No matter how fast I walked, what turn I did, this wolf kept following me!

"OK!!! What do you want!!"

"Okay now I'm talking to a wolf, I really I'm going crazy "

The wolf took the sleeve of my suit and was tugging on it like it wanted me to follow her.

"I have no time... I need to find my friend"

She just sat their, and it felt like she staring through my soul which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'll follow you, but you better not be wasting my time"

She got up and started walking like if she understood me. So I had no choice but to follow her. She will be looking back at me to make sure I was following.

"Okay Unicorn, you are not out of your mind"

She then stopped all of the sudden, she looked worried, looking back and forth.

"Is everything okay?"

Then this black wolf came out of nowhere and tackled the white one.

"Holy shit!"

More black wolves came out and they were coming after me and one knocking me to the ground. At least I had my suit so the bites didn't affect me.

"Can you not.." I said while kicking one away from me.

Then they all left.

"Okay, that was weird.."

The white wolf was just sitting down and looking at me.

"Show off"

She just smiled and walked to whatever she was taking me. Then we showed up to a cave.

"Did I walk all the way here, and got tackled by a pack of what looked like evil black wolves just so can show me where you live!?!"

The white wolf just sat there giving me her stare again.

"I'm not falling for that again! I wasted all this time walking here while I've could of been looking for...... Ryan...."

The white wolf drags Ryan out of the cave.
Blood was everywhere, and he was unconscious.
I hurried over to his side. He had a gun shot on his leg, 2 on his stomach and 3 on his arms.
But he had wolf ears and tail. I looked and the white wolf and back at Ryan.

"What did they do?" I whispered.

I pushed all my thoughts aside and got in action. I took a healing potion from my bag. I don't if it will work on him since it only for humans and now Ryan is a..... I don't know, but it was the best I got.

I started to put the potion om his wounds and wrapped them around with a piece of cloth.
I then carried him bridal style and got my last green orb. I looked back at the white wolf.

"Thank you"

Then she nodded and went inside the cave. Then I throw the orb on the ground.

Words: 858

Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter

~Primrose_the_second 🌹

Was This Really Supposes To Happen  SabrexRyan Fanfic [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now