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Ryan's POV
Once I left the house, I started to running. I looked behind me, and I saw my dad chasing after me. I just kept running faster and faster. I ran like 6 blocks away from my house and lost track of my dad, so I started to walk.
I walked 4 more blocks when I came across a forest. I knew their was a forest in these parts, I mean I do spent most of my time indoors.
So I decided to walk in the woods.
It was a beautiful night, but not a good idea to walk alone at 8:00 or something.
I found a small clearing so I can sit.
I just sat there and looking at the full moon. A few minutes later, Anti came along.

Anti Ryan: Hey, watcha doing?
Ryan: Nothing much.
Anti Ryan: Why are you alone in the forest?
Ryan: I really don't want to talk about it.
Anti Ryan: Ok then...
Ryan: What are you doing here?
Anti Ryan: Got bored *sits next to Ryan*
Ryan: Oh... umm... Anti?
Anti Ryan: Yeah?
Ryan: Why are you so nice today?
Anti Ryan: I dunno, just felt like it.
Ryan: Oh.
Anti Ryan: I just... really miss my friends.
Ryan: Who?
Anti Ryan: Oh! There's psycho Sabre, crazy Tina, chaos Goldy, insane Unicorn, and alot more.
Ryan: Why do they sound like my friends?
Anti Ryan: Well, they are the dark side of your friends, they just haven't had a reason to come out. Unlike me, who keep telling you to frickin kill your self!
Ryan: Ok ok, calm down sheesh.
Anti Ryan: Ugh fine.
Ryan: And why do you need me to kill myself?
Anti Ryan: Well, evertime you bring your dark side into your life, they jave one mission, and that is to cause the person to commit suicide.
Ryan: What if I don't or if somthing else kills me?
Anti Ryan: Well, I failed my misson and can't go back home and see my friends.
Ryan: Oh, well... looks like you are going to stay here for a pretty long time.
Anti Ryan: Are you serious?
Ryan: Yup.

One hour later

Ryan: I'm pretty tried.
Anti Ryan: Ryan...
Ryan: What is it Anti?
Anti Ryan: Run
Ryan: What?
Anti Ryan: Just RUN!!!!!!

Then Anti disappeared in the shadows. I did what I was told and got up and ran. I don't know why I was running I just did. I was hard cause there was alot of trees and vines so I couldn't see where was I going.
Then right in front of a wolf came out. Then 2 more, then 4. They were surrounding me. My back was on a tree, and I was trying to get far away from them. I had nowhere to run. Then a huge wolf came along. He had glowing red eyes, and was drooling blood, and he was coming closer and closer.
I knew I was done for.

Was This Really Supposes To Happen  SabrexRyan Fanfic [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now