Chapter Idk what, like five?

26 3 2

Layla's POV
After the game I went to sleep and was thinking, 'how am I supposed to do that?'

In the morning, I woke up, and like the morning person I am, I jumped up, got dressed, and headed down for breakfast.

After breakfast, I headed to my first class. Potions.

1st class: potions

2nd class: charms

3rd class: transfiguration

4th class: DADA

5th class: free period

I don't care about the rest of it, because my plan to get Harry is on some other day.

But I am going to try.

Potions. I was on the walk to potions, and to my luck, the person I hate the most in the world, walked next to me.

Malfoy said, "Hey honey,"

I hissed at him, "I am not your honey and go away,"

He didn't go away, instead he said, "Honey, come on walk with me,"

I yelled at him, "I am not your honey so leave me alone!"

I waved my arms heavily at Harry, who came and said, "Ferret get off her,"

Harry pulled me away, and we had a nice conversation about how much we hate potions.

I said, "So... I hate potions, you?"

He chuckled than said, "I do too, it's not like we can do anything about snape,"

My eyes glinted in a prank, I said, "Harry, I have an idea. You know, if we invite someone who we like to the great hall in the middle of the night, I think I should like yell when they come, "Snape, snape, Severus Snape, Snape snape Severus Snape," and than you yell, "DUMBLEDORE!"

Harry said, "that's a great idea, we just have to get the timing right,"

He pursed his lips. Than he said, "And, we should like run after,"

I nodded and he unpursed his lips.

Malfoy, in potions, said to me, "Honey, be my partner,"

He began to strut over but I quickly changed seats to sit next to Harry.

Snape said, "Page 394,"

Snape smirked at me and said, "Crystal, why won't you sit with a Slytherin?"

I said back sassily, "Because I didn't and I don't want to,"

Snape said, "ten points from Gryffindor, for sassing a teacher, Crystal,"

He smirked in triumph.

He walked over to me and slapped a book on the top of my head. It was-

Wait, that wasn't a book. I saw a flash of silver and than I was out.

I woke in the hospital wing and saw Harry looking worried and Malfoy looking like he was about to marry his true love today.

When Malfoy saw I was up, he said, "Honey, you're up, I was so worried,"

He tried to cradle my head against his chest but I smacked him. He let go and I hugged Harry to wake him up. He woke up and hugged me back.

I asked ma'am pomfrey, "Um.. how long was I out?"

She said, "Only ten minutes. That was an iron book, so you were knocked."

I nodded and went to charms class.

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