Chapter seven

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Harry's POV
     I think that I am doing well on the dare. I was starting to kind of like her.

And I could tell she started to kind of like me. I mean, she kissed my cheek!

Malfoy, after that happened, said, "Hey Potter, stay away from her, Layla honey don't spend time with him,"

Layla said, "Malfoy, back off. For the last time, I. Am. Not. Your. Honey. And I told you, leave me and my friends alone!"

Malfoy smirked at her, and I could tell that he was trying to steal her time from me.

That, for some reason, made me feel bad. I was taking all her time away from her.

But than she turned to me and said, "Come on Harry, Let's go,"

I smiled and said, "Ok,"

We walked away to defence against the dark arts. We had all of our classes together, and Ginny was still sick.

Umbridge said to us, "Good morning, class,"

The class muttered back, "Good morning professor umbridge,"

She smiled that fake smile that everybody hates.

Layla literally frowned after she saw that awful toadlike smile.

Umbridge said, "Read chapter one in defence against the dark arts,"

This time, Layla frowned her head off.

She put up her hand and asked, "Professor, aren't we going to learn any spells?"

Umbridge said, "No, miss-,"


"No miss Crystal,"

"Why not?" Hermione butted in.

"Because I said so, Miss-,"


"Because I said so, miss granger,"

"But how are we supposed to protect ourselves from what's out there?"



"Mr. Weasley, there is nothing out there,"

I shouted, "You know what's out there? Voldemort! That's what's out there!"

"Mr. Potter, detention for you and Miss Crystal,"

I scrunched up my eyebrows, Layla would have to go too?

I looked down at Layla, who was really short compared to me, and she was-

I heard her stand up as soon as I started shouting, except now she was-

On the ground. She had fallen over.

Oh wait. She hadn't fallen.

I saw Malfoy in the corner laughing. He said, "Serves her right!"

He had thrown a book at her, and it had hit her head.

When she was in the hospital wing, Malfoy and I were there, sitting next to her.

Time skip to a few hours later

Layla had woken up a few hours later.

She saw Malfoy and slapped him awake. He bolted awake.

Layla shouted at him, "You dirty bastard! I hate you!"

He acted innocent and said, "Honey, it was potter. Believe me,"

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