Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

I twisted the handle and I walked in....

The room was filled with clutter making it almost impossible to maneuver my way around.

Slowly making my way around the boxes, being careful not to knock anything over.

The smell grew stronger until I could practically feel it slapping me in the face with each breath I took.

The source of the awful smell was close by, so I decided to postpone my snooping in the boxes that surrounded me.

Following the stench, I ended up on the back wall of the room, the wall was completely bare except for a small door at the left corner.

My curiosity had gotten the better of me and I walked over to the short door, kneeling over I ran my Index finger over the cracks in the door.

I finally opened the door and crawled into the long hallway.

After crawling for what seemed to be hours, but in reality was probably a few seconds; I reached a secret room.

Once the roof finally raised a little I was able to stand up completely.
The room was pitch black, I wasn't able to see my hand even with it right in front of my face.

I was walking slowly in the room watching my step; I was feeling for anything that could be a source of light.

As I walked to what I could only assume to be the middle out the room I found a thin string hanging from the ceiling.

Pulling the string downward the lightbulb flicked on…


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