Chapter Three.

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Chapter 3.

As the light turned on, flickering every moment or so, all I could do was sigh in relief; as there was nothing that would potentially scar me for the rest of my life.

The only thing in this 'secret room', was a desk with what appeared to be a shoebox on it.

Walking up to the desk I reached out to take the lid off the shoebox, I noticed the note that was conveniently placed on the lid.
I picked up the note, in a handwriting that looked very rushed its read,

                                               "Fragile! Be careful!"

The note must have been from when the deceased couple's belongings were being packed up, the family must have forgotten to pack these.

I grabbed the box, seeing as the owners would have no use for whatever was in it.

I carefully started to crawl back through the hidden hall to head back to the attic.


I looked out the giant window, seeing as the sun looked as it was setting,
I checked the time on my phone.

It was about to be 8:00 pm, so started my boring journey home.


I walked inside my cramped apartment, only stopping to greet my wonderful companion/best friend; Rubix; my 2-year-old Doberman.

Sighing I placed the mysterious box on the counter and went to get dinner started.

I grabbed a pack of ramen noodle for me, and a pack of chicken for Rubix.


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