Chapter five

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Chapter Five

Matthew laid in the bed, he had gotten used to after days of staying here. It was soft like a cloud, he didn't want to move. After what he had learned the night before, he couldn't find the motivation to even move from that bed. He had learned something cruel, evil in the flesh, and couldn't understand it. The images of Ivan's story rushed through his head, the fact that he knew that chest was in Ivan's room made his stomach feel sick. Who... who would do that... to another human being?...

"Sometimes, people are cruel. Not all of the world is peaceful and spread love like I do," his father once said, "Some people just want to watch other people suffer... they want to be cruel... they love that feeling. Those people exist... you can call them 'demons'..." The words seemed to echo back in Matthew's mind now. His father's voice, he missed it. He remembered it though, he remembered when his father said that statement... Matthew was only a child huh? He closed his eyes, trying to remember anything. Something had happened, he couldn't remember what. His eyes twitched as bloody images came back to his mind, his hands covered in it. He quickly opened his eyes as the dreadful feeling that he was covered in the blood.

His heart pounded faster in his chest with the thoughts, his head ached with every beat as well. He clutched onto his chest though, Ivan's heart was gone. He felt guilty... Ivan... he hadn't seen Ivan. He got up on his forearms then up to sitting, looking around the room made him feel a bit dizzy. He felt sick and he couldn't understand it; that story made him feel so sick... He held onto his chest, feeling his own heart beating, and gulped a bit. Ivan... He couldn't get the thoughts out of his head, they scarred him, they burned into his mind. Could Ivan even feel anything?... He couldn't comprehend at all....

Ivan clutched onto the chest that held his own heart in it. He sat against the bed holding it in his arms. His eyes were blank, he couldn't do anything anymore. Pain started to run through his core as he only grabbed onto the chest more. He didn't know what to do... he had told the story, he didn't know how Matthew reacted... he didn't know how to approach him now. One person had gotten into his house, Matthew was that person. There was a reason right?... Maybe... he was the one to break the curse? M-Maybe it was possible?... He shook his head.

He simply didn't know the answer to these questions.


Alfred grabbed onto the bars of the fence, looking through them to the haunting house where he believed his friend was dead, mutilated even. His grip around the bars got tighter as his anger build, there was no way he could just leave him in there, not after all they've been through. They had escaped death together once before, he felt like he owed him, they were friends like brothers, he felt too close to him to lose him now! If he was dead, Alfred would be sure to avenge him. If he was alive, he would come home... and that monster would pay.. He looked down at the stoned lawn, something about it didn't seem right. He remembered how quickly Matthew had passed out once he stepped onto the stones, how the monster then got him. Maybe if you touched them, they paralyzed you? Something wasn't right. He grabbed the bandana he had in his pocket and quickly threw it between the bars and onto the stones. Nothing.

He growled a bit and carefully stuck his leg in through the fence, getting his foot to step onto the stones even against the tight opening. He could see it! The green poisons gas leaked out between the cracks of the stones. Alfred quickly yanked his foot out and back then covered his mouth. He backed away until the gas stopped creeping out. Alfred growled a bit, he knew he would have to find a way in very fast now. He walked along the fence, looking in at the house for a way in. He knew the monster didn't use the front door, there had to be another way in. He moved his speed from a walk to a run, running fast along the fence to the back of the house to find an opening. He paused and stayed still when he saw it: the small door that led into the basement of the house. He smirked and used the bandana to cover his face then reached up to grab onto the bars of the fence, pulling himself up and onto the fence to get over.

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