Chapter 2

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I was surrounded by voices, I don’t think I was dreaming, I would be able to move more if I was, I tried to move a little but my body was so numb, I strained a little to even move my hand, I was a little startled when I felt a hand touch mine, my eyes shot open, and there he was, coffee guy, I glared forcefully at him, that only made him smile,
'you'd better hope I stay this way for a long time' I took in a glance of the room, it looked like a perfectly nice hospital ward, but this did not feel like a perfectly nice hospital wards, I once nearly passed out in a hospital and since then they have freaked me out and I tend to avoid them, like situation like this one,
'How are you feeling Rachel? 'Still wasn't happy with the fact that he knew my name, but the latter was none existent at the moment,
'Terrific, I could run laps' for a kidnaper he was awfully cheerful,
'I apologise for what happened earlier, you were unlikely to come with us and you were in significant pain, I give you my word you are safe here' I can't be asked to argue about the whole telepathic thing, I haven’t the energy or anger anymore, I sighed in resign,
'Who are you? , and where am I? ' I did plan on calling him coffee guy all the time, I knew the other guy was called Erik, but he wasn’t here,
'My name is Professor Charles Xavier, I am the founder of this school for mutants, I can understand that you’re uneasy here, but your wing is fixed and everything else is fine, but I can't keep you here against your will, once your wing is fully healed, you'll be free to go' I'm basically a prisoner here then aren’t I,
'No, you are anything but a prisoner here, you have free roam on the school and the grounds, but I want to know that you are safe, I realise you’ve been on your own for so long and have become extremely independent, but your safety comes first' he sounds like a caring father, didn’t think they still existed, I've met a lot of liars and cons in my so far short life time, but he wasn’t one of them, he's certainly not on the top 10 list,
'Fine, I'll stay till I'm healed' he gripped my hand excitedly and his smile grew, calm down sunshine,
'Sorry, I'm just happy with your decision to stay, I think on average it will take about a month for your wing to heal' I nearly jumped out of the bed in shock, but he held my arms in comfort before I fell off,
'A month! , it’s a fractured wing, not a broken leg, why a month'
'Please Rachel calm down, the more you fight it, the longer you will take to heal' I readied to throw some choice words at him when someone else entered the room, we both turned around to see who it was, it was a tall guy with glasses and short black hair, he wore a lab coat of some sort so I was guessing he worked in this ward, I felt the urge to spread my wings, but they were bound to me with bandages, and I couldn’t find the energy to break free from them, or Charles,
'Hank quickly help me' this Hank went to a nearby table and picked up a full syringe, my heart nearly burst out of my chest when I saw it, I gripped Charles hard with panic, I'm petrified of needles, the amount of test I had when I was younger have scared my physically and mentally, I hoped Charles could hear this, Hank came closer and I almost leapt out of the bed,
'Please no! ' Charles eyes sprung open, he got the message
'Hank wait, hold on a moment' I sighed in relief as I let him roll up both my sleeves, I was disgusted to even look at them, they were covered in scars and needle punctures, the bruises had long faded, but they created lifelong scars, I sobbed hard for the first time in years, Charles motioned for Hank to put the needle down and then pulled me in a strong embrace, I was still sobbing and my breathing was terrible, tears were practically pouring from my eyes, he was hushing me and rubbing small circles in my back, after a while I started to calm down, he let me go and I sat back exhausted. Hank gave me the quick once over and then left the room,
'You will have your own room here and will have total freedom while you heal, I'm also offering to help you with your gift, or gifts in your case, afterwards you can either stay here or you can go back to your old life, it's up to you' I gave him a funny look ' old life ' ?,
'I'll have you know sunshine, my old life was stable and has kept me alive, and also, if you even think about sticking me in a math lesson, there are going to be serious problems' I tried really hard to be serious but he just started laughing at me, I must have been drugged up or something cause I ended up laughing with him, this was going to be a weird month here.

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