Chapter 5

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I'd never run so quick in my life, mostly because Charles dragged me most of the way there, Hank was already in the lab when me and Charles got there, Hank hopped on to the computer and was tapping away like a mad thing and Charles and I quickly joined him, we both peeped over his shoulder to see what he was doing, it didn’t make much sense to me but he and Charles were muttering between each other about what was on the screen, I zoned out for a little when suddenly Charles burst into life, making me jump,
'There it is! , I knew it' I looked at the screen and saw this kind of graph thing, I not really sure what they saw but it clearly got them excited,
'What, what is it' they both looked at me as if I were crazy, they would know,
'It's simple, this shows what's in your blood, and here, this major spike here is your iron levels'
'Okay, so I have unusual iron levels, point being' Charles came within inches of me, he was like a child who had been given way too much sugar,
'Exactly, your iron levels are 10 times the amount of any person, mutant or non-mutant, anyone else with this amount wouldn’t even by alive, the body wouldn’t cope with all this extra iron in there system, the cells wouldn’t be able to function, but your body somehow, has adapted to the extra iron inside you, how amazing is that' I looked at Hank and Charles, both were way to excited by this, I had to admit it did sound a little odd, especially the fact I had a lethal amount of iron in my body, but other than that I couldn’t really see the point in all this, I was more concerned about the voice in  my head from earlier, it sounded like we had met before, but I couldn’t think from when, or who it was, I never had this many issues before all this,
'Terrific, anything else, any miracle wing healing properties in my blood there' I was more confused than anything, it just came out in anger, I looked at them both but they said nothing, I then pointed at the computer,
'So what about this then, another thing to add to the list of 'Rachel’s treasure chest of secrets' is that how you see it, you're like a child both of you, you know what, do what you want with it, I don’t care anymore, stick more needles in me, carry out stupid tests, there's no part left of me to be affected anymore' I wanted to cry, pour my eyes out, but my unwanted hate and anger wouldn’t allow it,
'Rachel I'm sorry' I could feel Charles reaching out to my mind, that enraged me even more,
'Don’t touch me!!' my voiced echoed throughout the lab, I felt my wings almost clawing at me, begging to be released, the urge was too much, I doubled over as they released themselves, I felt nothing, my anger numbed the pain of the force, I fell to my knees as they both came over to me, my chest was tight and I struggled to breath, nobody wants to be constantly angry, but then some people don’t have a choice, I was one of them, who else can say they were tortured and abused by their own parents for being different, a lot I reckon,
'Rachel calm down, your wings are tense, you'll do yourself more damage if you don’t calm down' I looked up at Charles, why was I blaming him, he didn’t do this to me, he didn’t give me my wings, he didn’t torture me, feed me constant anger and misery, he was the one person in my life who gave a damn, and what am I doing, shouting and blaming him, I'm turning into them, I relaxed as much as I could, trying not to pass out at the same time, I felt my wings fold back in, as soon as they did I sat down on the floor, I felt Hanks hands on my back, I was so drained from today, I just didn’t have the energy to stand, Charles breathed a sigh of relief, as did we all,
'Well done Rachel' I gave a weak smile,
'Your welcome' he smiled back, that stupid smile of his, I was then taken back a little as he scooped me up in his arms, I hooked an arm around his neck, I didn’t say nothing, I think that said more than enough words to him,
'Thank you for doing that Hank, I think that’s enough for today' Hank didn’t reply, he simply smiled at us, I smiled back in response, and with that we left the lab, I felt bad for what had happened, I didn’t mean to get so angry, it just happens sometimes, I can control a few things, this just wasn’t one of them,
'Don’t apologise Rachel, it's my fault, the problem is you're just far to amazing' I wasn’t expecting that,
'What do you mean? ' This was an odd conversation, and also a very bad flirting attempt,
'You're very much like a book, the cover doesn’t hold a thing up to the content that’s inside, I can easily say that everyone here has come from the same story, they were born, their outer image showed a flawless perfect child, and then there real self-starts coming out, their parents don’t understand what they don’t know, they become delusional, they don’t see their child as their own, then at last they become blind to the beauty in front of them' for the first time since we met, he seemed really angry, I wasn’t sure what to say to him, I felt somewhat responsible for this,
'Hey Einstein' we locked eyes again, but this time I felt so close to him, I could almost feel the heat radiating from his body, I felt his hold on me tighten a little, I struggled to continue my sentence with him just staring at me,
'Try smiling more often you grumpy old man' I barely finished my sentence before his lips smashed into mine, it lasted only for a moment and when he drew back we stared wide eyed at each other, he started to fidget a little, for once he was lost for words, which was very unlike him, neither of us said a word to each other for a while, it wasn’t until we got to the main hallway did I finally speak to him,
'I need to ask you something' he stopped mid step, he was surprised by my question,
'Ask away' I wasn’t sure how to word this, or even what the results would be,
'The voice in my head from earlier, he said that we had met before, but like I said before I can't remember much before I came here to America, I don’t know how far your mind link goes, but even if It's just a snippet of my childhood would be something to go on' he thought about it for a moment, then he quickly spun round and headed for the library, I looked to see if anyone was coming this way, all was clear and we entered the library, however when we entered the library, Erik was sat by the fireplace looking at us as we came in, something tells me he was waiting for us to come in, I was little bit nervous after what happened with me and Charles, but I certainly wasn’t going to mention it out loud, Erik went to go get another chair whilst Charles put me down in his, the warmth was comforting but not enough to settle my nerves, Charles sat down opposite me and Erik sat next to him, I took a deep shaky breath and tried to relax as much as I could,
'Now I can't guarantee this will help, but I will help you as much as I can, ready? '
'Yeah, go for it' he touched his fingers up to his temples and I closed my eyes as memory's began to flash in front of my eyes, first they were recent ones like our kiss and when we met in the coffee shop, then they started to go back further, colliding with a building whilst in mid-flight, hence the broken wing, finding my new flat in America after leaving home, and then it became blurry and hard to see,
'Rachel, the results of the experiments have clouded your memory, there are some here that I just can't get to, hold on' I waited for another one to become clearer but it took a while, but then I started to hear something, I didn’t recognise the voice, but I felt the memory coming back to me.

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