Chapter 9

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It had been a cold night and when I opened my eyes and looked out at the balcony, I could see that the park nearby had a thin layer of snow , it seemed though the chill in the air helped me to sleep better, it had been almost 2 weeks now and other than the first couple of days I've slept like a baby, so far everything about this new chapter in my life was going well so far, the only thing that bothered at the moment was the fact that Arthur had not so much as hinted toward telling me any information about what happened in the past, it only bothered me when I really thought about it, he was normally up early in the mornings so I enjoyed the peacefulness of it all, I also enjoy when he brings me breakfast in bed,
'Good morning, how did you sleep? ' He sat on the side of the bed as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, in front of me was a steaming bowl of porridge with chopped bananas and a side of honey, accompanied by a glass of mango juice,
'Really good, I can't remember the last time I slept this well, must be something in the pillows' as much as he charmed me, I couldn’t help but think of Charles, I must admit I thought about him most nights, 
'Something popped up this morning and I have to leave for a while, there's food in the cupboards so you don’t have to go out in the cold' the cold actually felt pretty tempting but the warmth of the bed sheets won that battle,
'Okay no worries' he got up and kissed me on my forehead, he held there for a moment and I breathed in his scent and warmth,
'I promise we shall talk about it when I come back okay? ' I've heard that one more than once,
'Okay, stay safe' he kissed me again and left the bedroom, I sighed as I leant against the bed board, the situation felt so drawn out, I really did wonder if it was worth going back to the school, I hated thinking about Anna, I felt like I had left some of my heart with her and that I wanted to go back and share the rest of it with her, but then I also felt like I was forced into it all, like Charles expected me to be her mother figure without question. At 2 weeks I don’t think I can judge Arthur too much yet, yeah he might be a little light on the info, but I feel so relaxed here and safe, I wanted it to last a little bit longer, because I knew once I started figuring out my past, the pain would really start to show through.

I really miss Rachel, I didn’t want her to leave in the first place, but the professor told me that it wasn’t right for him to keep her here, but now that she is gone, I want her back here. I don’t have many friends here so I spent most of my time in the library reading, I noticed Rachel use to come in here a lot so therefore I thought if she ever came back she would go here first, most of the others were outside playing in the snow, I knew no one would want to play with me so I sat by the fire reading my book, I went to grab a snack from the kitchen as the professor entered the hallway,
'Oh Anna, why are you indoors? , it's snowing outside, don’t you want to go and play in the snow' I shook my head and held my book close to me, I pointed towards the kitchen, het got down onto one knee so he was level with me,
'Oh you're hungry, I tell you what, why don’t we have something to eat and then both of us will go outside for a while, that sound like a plan? ' At least he will play with me, I nodded as we both went into the kitchen and I sat up at the table as he had a look around the fridge,
'Have you heard from Rachel? ' He closed the fridge as he took out a plate of cold beef, he placed it on the counter and grabbed some slices of bread,
'I'm afraid not, I know it feels like forever since she left, but I'm sure she will contact soon' he didn’t sound sure, but I didn’t want to pester him, he brought over two sandwiches, one for me and one for him, it may have been a cold sandwich but it was filling none the less,
'I miss her to Anna, I know how you feel, but she has been on her own for so long, having to change the way she lives her life is more challenging than it sounds' I was thinking about her when doctor McCoy came into the kitchen, he looked really excited and worried all at once,
'Hank it's everything alright? ' He didn’t come into the room, he simply waited by the door,
'Charles, you need to see this now' he got up from his and chair and headed out of the kitchen, I went to follow when he turned round to me,
'Wait here Anna I'll be back in a moment' I waited till he left the room and I slowly followed, I opened the kitchen door and saw them both get in the elevator, we weren’t allowed to go down there so I went back into the kitchen and thought about Rachel.

Hank seemed very excited about something, we went straight into the lab and up on the screen was an image of Rachel’s cells, Hank sat down at his computer whilst I stood behind him,
'What is it Hank? 'He started typing into his computer and the cells began to move frantically on the screen,
' It's Rachel, you need to bring her back here now Charles, watch her cells' my eyes were glued to the screen as some of her cells started to change dramatically, within seconds they had all change,
'Hank what's going on with her cells? ' Hank sighed and scratched his head immensely,
'It's not just the increase in iron in her body Charles, there seems to be something in her cells that can cause them to mutate and become more primal, like a wild animal' a wild animal that was now in the city, 
'Do you know what causes them to change like that? ' Hank was typing away as I thought about where Rachel could be, he was now certain he needed her to come back, he knew this would be a problem,
' A intense sense of rage and anger would cause this primal change to occur, if she lost it completely, she might remain in her primal form permanently Charles' if she finds out what really happened to her parents, it might tip her over the edge, the consequences could be fatal, 
'Quick Hank, I have to use Cerebro to find her, otherwise the whole of New York will be in danger'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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