Chapter 6

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I barely felt the pinch of the needle in my arm, my arm was covered in holes made by the needle, I was so use to it now I didn’t care about the pain, I knew it was never going to stop, so why fight it, my parents were sat on the other side of the room, fake smiles painted on their faces, the thought of their only child being normal constantly being played like a vr tape in their heads, I didn’t pay attention to what the doctor was saying as he spoke to my parents, I only heard I could go and sit down in the waiting room, I hoped of the table and left the room, I pulled my sleeve down so people couldn’t stare at my arm bruised arm, lots of people walked past me but none of them looked at me, I'm guessing my parents had pretty much told lots of people about her special little girl, and about how I'd now become so famous in  the neighbourhood, when in reality, she acted like she didn’t even have a daughter, I was her niece or she was babysitting for a friend, that’s how it always was.
I sat closer by the door so when they came I would be ready to leave quicker, the nurses gave me the occasional smile, but I didn’t see it as genuine, it was just the polite thing to do, nothing more, if they knew the true story of me I doubt they would even look at me, that’s all I was to everyone, a freak, I was messing around with my buttons on my cardigan when I saw a little boy sit down a few chairs away from me, he was my age, and I guessed he was also being tested and poked with cause he had his sleeves all the way down, they even covered his hands, his hair was so white I couldn’t really look at it for too long cause it was so shiny with the light making it brighter, he looked as miserable as me, which made me want to go and talk to him, he must have had the same thought cause he then started looking at me, he soon smiled at me and I smiled back, I'm not really sure what a real smile looked like, but I'm pretty sure it was real, and I had a feeling mine was too, soon enough he came over and sat in the seat next to me, I curled up a little as he looked at me, I've never spoken to a boy before and I was a little bit shy,
'Hi I'm Arthur, what's your name? ' I felt my cheeks blush which made us both giggle,
'Hello Arthur, my name is Rachel' his eyes were so bright and cheerful, surely he can't be like me,
'Hi Rachel, I have wings too' how did he know that, I didn’t tell him, I haven’t told anyone, but I was far more excited at the fact that he had wings too, he's like me, he's special too,
'How did you know I have wings? '
 'Because I heard you say it, in your head, I can hear you speak even when you're not talking out loud, shall we be friends' for the first time in my life I felt happy, I don’t have any friends except my teddy’s, but they aren’t like me, they don’t have wings or parents who punish them for being different,
'Yeah, but secret friends' I half whispered the word friends so people couldn’t hear us, I can't believe it, I have a friend.
Suddenly Arthur became blurry and I couldn’t hear him, the memory was fading away, I tried to reach out for it but I lost it, all of a sudden I opened my eyes and I was once again in the library with Charles and Erik, what I just saw was overwhelming, I couldn’t speak,
'I'm glad you remember me Rachel, it has been a long time' I shrieked at the voice I heard in my head, I was so surprised I nearly fell of my chair, Charles grabbed my hands,
'What's wrong Rachel? , what happened? ' I looked at them both, it was all so clear now,
'It's him, the voice in my head, it's Arthur'

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