On Top of the World

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(Superman stood atop the mountain clearing his mind and taking in the beautiful landscape before him, he remembered the very first time he flew across this very area and smiled fondly at the memory, he also remembered seeing his father on a mountain just like this one, he had appeared to him to help guide him through the most difficult period of his journey and now those troubles were behind him and he was about to marry the woman of his dreams, the mother of his child)

(Just as he thought of her she landed softly behind him and walked up beside him)

Wonder Woman: "This frozen landscape is so different from Themyscira and yet both are beautiful in their own unique ways."

Superman: "I'd love to see Themyscira some day. It sounds remarkable."

Wonder Woman: "Well too bad for you." (She giggled) "Our rules are very strict. No men allowed."

Superman: "I thought you met Steve Trevor there."

Wonder Woman: "Yes but he was an unwelcome guest. Not to me of course but to everyone else. I'm so thankful his plane did crash that day. If not my life would not be nearly as wonderful as it has become."

Superman: "Changing the subject isn't making me want to visit Themyscira any less."

(Diana laughed) "I'll tell you what. I'll take you to Themyscira after you take me to Krypton."

Superman: "Ooh too soon."

Wonder Woman: "Soon? I thought Krypton blew up when you were a baby."

Superman: "Still too soon."

(Diana grinned and took Clark's hand and rested her head on his shoulder)

Diana: "I cannot believe we're going to be married in three days. I'm the luckiest woman in the world."

Clark: "It's me who's the lucky one. You've made my life better than I could've ever imagined. You're my home Diana."

(Clark and Diana kissed on top of the tall mountain, the freezing winds of the Arctic powerless against the raging fire of their love)


Deathstroke: "Did you hear Luthor? Superman and Wonder Woman are getting married."

Lex: "Mm of course I heard Mr Wilson. I must say I'm most intrigued by this turn of events."

Deathstroke: "The whole League's no doubt gonna be there. Are we going to crash the party or what?"

Lex: "Hmm Mr Wilson, that is a super wonderful idea."

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